“It is settled then.”

What was settled?

“Are you always this disagreeable, Your Grace?”

“Only when it suits me.”

She groaned. “Can’t we not have a serious discussion about who Edwin is to have in his life?”

“Ah, is that what this is, a serious discussion about who I chose to marry?”

Well, when he put it like that, it was clearly none of her business. Perhaps she was prying for her own inquisitiveness.

“Perhaps I should ask the same. After all, it is my fatherly duty to make sure my son is not exposed to hooligans.” He placed a piece of roasted potato into his mouth.


“Calm now, Miss Fields, I am only considering the boy and any roughnecks he would see sniffing around your skirts.”

Dread washed the heat from her skin. “I will have you—”

He cleared his throat, nodding towards his son.

Sadie bristled at the remainder of Edwin. How did he manage to so easily get under her skin? She much preferred a stern lord Gilleasbuig to this flirtatious one.

The man was impossible.

“Thank you for the meal, Your Grace.” She walked around the table and kissed the child’s cheek. “You did well, Edwin, keeping most of your food on the plate.”

“Miss. Fields,” he said when she was almost out of the room. “If you wish to continue our discussion—”

She flushed. His words were teasing, but his eyes pierced the wall shielding her growing affection for him. “Good night, Your Grace.”