Rhys ignored him. “I’ll speak to Miss Pritchard then and inform Miss Beaujeu of your fruitful sleuthing.”

“Good. And one further matter…” Hugh narrowed his eyes. “Lady Bronwen simpered all over me at breakfast. Any idea why? It quite put me off my bacon.”

Sitting back, Rhys now grinned. “I might have excused your absence last night by mentioning you had business matters to attend to.”

“I don’t follow.”

“Takes up a lot of time, a diamond mine in Brazil, the shops you own on Bond Street and the mansions leased in Mayfair.”

“You bloody menace. She’s lining me up in case you don’t come up to scratch.” Hugh glowered. “I’ve noticed a change in you lately, Rhys. Less…moody and broody. It’s blasted disconcerting. I blame your governess.” He winked.

Ignoring the provocation, he prodded the stained lace. “Miss Pritchard hails from Caernarfon, does she not?”


“Does Caernarfon have a decent silversmith?”

Hugh’s forehead wrinkled. “Feasibly.”

“I believe I’ll escort the Pritchards part of the way, then ride on ahead. It’s what, thirty-five miles or so?”

“Give or take.”

“So, even with bad weather, I’d be there in four hours, would I not?”

“More or less.”

“Good. I’ll leave with the Pritchards’ carriage tomorrow, stay in Caernarfon for… I’ll require one night for all there is to do, so can you mind the guests?”

“Do they need it?”

“Excellent. That’s settled. Thank you for all your help, Hugh.”

* * *

I esteem you greatly, Miss Beaujeu, and…


I have come to admire your intelligence and courage and…kiss.


I feel things, Miss Beaujeu…

No, no, no…

Rhys scowled into the mirror. Concentrate, you lackwit.

Miss Beaujeu–

“Yes, Your Grace? You wished to see me.”

He spun to find the object of his affections at his study door. “Ah, Miss Beaujeu. Yes. Please, sit and… I have news.”

With grace and poise, she glided to his desk and sat, head bowed, hands clasped with a governess’ equanimity, and all of a sudden a thought struck him on the noggin that maybe he’d severely misinterpreted Isabelle’s sentiments. Perchance, although she may have responded to his lust, her emotions were not involved.

The one aspect he knew of Isabelle and after speaking with Monsieur Turenne, was that she would never relinquish her governess integrity or independence for some nobleman, or indeed any man, unless her heart demanded it.