Seth considered asking how the temperature felt, but his vocal cords refused to comply as the water lapped at her breasts, teasing his gaze till nigh blinded yet refusing to blink.

“Yes, indeed,” he barely managed.

“And deep enough to luxuriate in but not to drown, for I can’t swim, you see.”

She abruptly ducked beneath the water and then surfaced with a spluttering chuckle, glasses skew-whiff, black hair streaming and chemise transparent – a bedraggled bespectacled mermaid, and he could withhold no longer, lost to her lure, so seized her nape and kissed her.

Damnation, he could feel every curve, every lush part of her mould to him.

Though broad, he wasn’t a tall man and she fitted so very perfectly, responded as if she’d been waiting forever.

Since these bathhouses had been added, Seth would sit here most nights, alone. To now have Matilda in his arms – his brave and bold Matilda – fulfilled every midnight dream of the last weeks.

He kissed her wet throat, groaned as her fingers slicked up his arm.

Driving her backwards through the water till her spine met the circular wall, he threaded his fingers through her hair and kissed her till she took what little breath remained.

Her fingers tentatively roamed his back, slipped shyly to his lower spine, then boldly explored his backside, the wet cotton a sensual addition.

“Callipygian,” she murmured. “That’s the word. Do you know, I’ve admired your callipygian figure since the interview.”

He laughed – his delicious Matilda and her elaborate wordage – but he aimed to induce a gasp as he slid a hand over her breast, cupped the weight, thumb abrading the tip until he received a gratifying moan for his impudence.

Further his hand teased, to her waist and hip. So perfect, and he yanked her near to grind his aching groin against her softness whilst their lips met in carnal need.

Clasping her derrière, he lifted her beneath the water, and their hips clashed just so. Her legs parted, chemise rising in the water, and… Hell, it would only take a ripping away of cotton and he would be deep inside her, burning and tight.

Grinding once more, he felt the heat of her, and she cried out, her legs tangling around his thighs in the water, fingers gripping the hair at his nape.

Damnation, he must…

Seth hauled back, rasped. “To the bed, Matilda.”

Seth Hawkins tousled her wits,scattered her senses and then, to Matilda’s dismay, untangled her legs from about his waist.

Stepping away with a growl, he climbed two of the pool steps and held out a rough palm.

Matilda hesitated, not through shyness but sheer gogglement.

Now that her glasses had taken a soaking to clear the fog, she could see better and…

Water sluiced Seth’s powerful torso, rivulets over muscle she wished to trace with her lips and fingers. The sailor attire now rode so low she could see his hips, so different to her own – slender and indented, a line of hair arrowing lower.

Matilda’s gaze skittered from the sight of his potent want, because if she inspected too closely she was sure her maidenly upbringing might cause her to swoon in shock. She’d felt that blatant arousal though, thrusting against her in the water, seeking entry, immense, blunt and demanding.

Breathing deep and with a tentative step, she rose, held Seth’s gaze as the water level dropped beneath her chemise-clad breasts, stomach and then hips.

Seth’s jaw clenched, a quiver to his held-out hand granting her confidence.

“Do you still ache?” he all but rasped.

“Yes. But in an entirely different manner.”

Their hands gripped, sparked, and he drew her to the arched construction, where he grabbed a towel from the shelf and dried her hair with measured, firm strokes. That one was tossed to the floor and a new towel now whispered over her shoulders, then the translucent chemise. And finally, on one knee, he dried her lower legs with delicate exquisiteness.

Matilda wished to do likewise to Seth – be slow and investigative – but it appeared his patience was limited, as he whipped a towel over his own body with undue haste and hurled it aside, drawing her toward the daybed.

He reeled her close for a ruthless kiss, but her glasses slid, knocking his cheek, so she flung them off without a care as to where they landed. “I can see no further than four feet, but my near sight is adequate.”