“I’ve never lost a major fight, so how could I have been bribed to lose? And my patron was a well-respected earl, a stickler who did not stand for duplicity amongst his fighters.”


“I have three dukes as Academy members – in fact, four now – who will not leave because some viscount spouts twaddle.”


“And my principal investor, the man who came to me after I’d won the championship, is the Prince.”

“I don’t understand?”

“If Astwood dared to lay a finger on my Academy, the Prince would burn him to the ground.” He shook his head. “Some precautions won’t go amiss but what I am trying to convey, Matilda, is that I have allies. Powerful allies in all walks of society.” He willed her to believe him with his gaze. “Astwood would not dare touch us.”

Matilda gasped.


So short a word, and yet it filled her with a sense of resolve and strength.

As a young girl, she’d been a solitary creature obliged to learn matters for herself, and now, as a woman, she’d been forced to fend for herself against a male guardian who sought to sell her as a commodity.

Seth’s utter disdain for Astwood’s threats might have belittled and undermined her past struggles, but instead that us acknowledged and included her.

“But I am so much trouble to you and your family,” she blurted, swiping a hand over her no doubt reddened nose. “I thought I had my future planned but… I wish I were a man some days as a woman’s future is forever in someone else’s hands.”

“No. It is in yours, Matilda. But there is no weakness in seeking help. I could not have built the club without my friends and family.” He kissed her hair, forehead and eyes. “Once Astwood is no longer your guardian, you can be anything: continue as governess, join a science expedition to the Moluccas, become a famed actress or marry…whoever you wanted to…if you so wished.”

She lifted her lashes, had never seriously considered herself marriageable for her own worth. After all, her dowry was squandered, her conversation dull and this spinster profession chosen. But being held within comforting arms and having a handsome ex-prizefighter kiss you to irrational absurdity sent one’s own notions scattering like foxglove seed.

“I…if you are sure I would cause no trouble?”

“Of course I am sure, Matilda, but are you?” He traced the outline of her lip. “This is not the bold and brave governess that I have come to know and…kiss. Why become so missish now?”

Yes, why?

She was acting the pathetic goosecap because…

Not because Astwood had found her or threatened her; those threats she could stomach as she had done so in the past.

No, it was because he had threatened Seth – her mighty and caring Seth – his livelihood, friends and his beautiful daughter.

She’d imagined his Academy up in flames, patrons fleeing like rats.

When had it happened that it pained her more if anything should happen to Mr Hawkins and his family rather than to herself?

And what did it signify?

“You are utterly correct.” She wiped her eyes on his cravat and then flapped her fingers on the seat behind to encounter her glasses, before sliding them back on. “Unless he comes with a magistrate, which would surely take some time, he cannot force me to return or to marry.”

A nod. “And if that happens, Matilda, then we plan anew.”


Not weakened but shored and strengthened. By a man who offered both protection and freedom.

No longer alone.

She evened her breath, reclaimed her spirit stolen by her cousin and beamed up at Seth. “Where’s Chloe?”