Page 4 of Chosen By Blood

Chapter 2


After rushing to get dressed, I made my way to the Gold mansion, where I knew something fun was bound to be happening. The Gold and Kingsley families went way back, so far back no one knows how or when we became close. The Golds were and have always been our allies. And while we may have burned quite a few bridges during our associations, we were very careful not to burn that one.

The Gold mansion had been designed purely for entertainment. Needless to say, the Kingsley’s partied with the Gold family a lot.

From the outside, the inconspicuous mansion looked as if it belonged in any other in the neighborhood. Except for the line of cars out front, anyone who was anyone knew there was more going on inside than what met the eye.

When I got there, I pulled down the long drive and parked in front of a silver BMW. Even though there was no noise coming from the house, I knew people were inside. There were always people inside the party house and all the walls were soundproof.

After checking my bright red lipstick in the rearview mirror one last time, I strolled up to the door in my five-inch knock out red heels and fuck-me matching dress and knocked on the dark gray door. A few seconds later, the door jerked open, and the sound of loud thumping music smacked me in the face.

“Little Addie!” Donnie Gold pulled me into one of his famous bear hugs. Hugging him was like hugging a big cuddly bear. He was one of the kindest people in the Gold family. But a bear, no matter how cute or cuddly, was still a bear. And Donnie was the Gold family’s deadliest enforcer.

After another squeeze, he released me and took a step back so I could enter the house. “I guess it isn’t Little Addie anymore.” He looked me up and down as he closed the door.

“And it hasn’t been for a long time.” I smirked, looking around.

He smiled, arching an eyebrow. “Well, you’ll always be Little Addie to me. You looking for E?”

I nodded.

“He’s upstairs in the usual room.” He smirked. “Go on up and make yourself comfortable. I’m sure he’ll be glad to see you.”


Upstairs, loud music and shouting came from the living room, but I didn’t stop to investigate. I assumed they were playing a video game. And based on the shouting, someone was losing.

The last door down the hallway was Eli’s usual room. I opened the door, stepped inside, and closed it behind me. Eli and the half-naked woman he was kissing both looked up.

“Hey, Wolfie,” I said, letting my leather jacket fall to the floor.

The corners of his mouth curled into a smile, going back to kissing the woman’s neck. Eli and I had been friends since we were kids. There was a time when people wanted us to date and get married. In fact, the families had strongly encouraged it, but marriage wasn’t for everyone and I sure as hell don’t think it’s for me. But he was and would always be my best friend…that I fucked and occasionally had threesomes with.

“Little Red.” He looked up and bit his lower lip as one corner of his lips curled into a smile, obviously glad to see me.

The woman looked from me to Eli, obviously confused about what we were up to. In answer, I wedged myself between them to appraise the goods as he took a step back. She was pretty. Almond shaped eyes, honey colored skin and a small waist. Her breasts weren’t as big as I would have liked but oh, well. I trailed my fingers down her sides until they came to rest on her hips.

She had a nice ass though. I slid my hand over her body and down the front of her thong. She gasped and leaned back, giving me access as my fingers found what they were looking for.

Eli loved to watch, and I did my best work while he was watching. There was a chair in the corner next to the bed where he sat. I pushed the woman back onto the bed and went to work. She tasted sweet on my tongue. Her body shuddered when I slid two fingers inside of her. A low guttural moan escaped her lips as I thrusted another finger inside of her. She pumped her hips, matching my rhythm.

Eli pushed my skirt up from behind and pulled down my thong. The ripping of foil filled the air and then he pushed into me from behind, his length filling me as I braced myself against the woman. She raised up to watch as I my tongue flicked her pleasure spot. Soon, she gasped in orgasm as my walls clenched around Eli, sending him over the edge as we all found release together.

When I turned around, Eli’s lips descended upon mine and I opened for him as his tongue swiped over mine, tasting the woman on me. He pulled back and smirked. “I like it when you come over. You should come over more often.”

I shrugged, moving around the bed behind the woman, and began rubbing her tits as he sheathed himself in another condom. “I had something to celebrate.”

The woman looked up at me with want, her coal black hair fanning out over the pillow, adding to her beauty. My lips descended upon hers as Eli pushed into her, causing her to gasp into my mouth.

Eli and I were old pros at this. We knew exactly what to do to make everyone happy, and that’s exactly what we did.

By the end of the night, the three of us were so tangled up in each other that it was hard to say where one person ended and the other one began.

When I woke the next morning, the woman and her stuff were gone. The shower was on in the bathroom, and Eli’s voice resonated from it as he hummed a familiar tune, bringing back memories.

I sat up, knowing it was time to head home. I didn’t really want to leave but I couldn’t stay in this house. So, I got up and started searching for my clothes.