Page 27 of Chosen By Blood

Chapter 11


I like sleeping, and one of my favorite things to do is sitting on my ass and watching TV. But after doing nothing else but sleeping and watch television for two months or so, I was bored out of my mind and ready to get out. While my father had contended with his eventual demise, my near-death experience was something he couldn’t handle. He didn’t want me leaving the house and he didn’t want me going anywhere without protection.

That was understandable. He didn’t go anywhere without his bodyguards. And if I was going to be the next boss, it made sense that I wouldn’t either. But I still didn’t like it.

They were always watching me. That’s their fucking job, but I liked being alone. But being able to do whatever I wanted wherever I wanted and with whom I wanted had become a thing of the past. While my shoulder still ached from time to time, my arm felt fine. The scratches on my face had healed, and there were only a few scars on my right arm from the glass where I had raised it to protect my face. The doctors said I was lucky. But I didn’t feel so lucky.

When I walked into the dining room, my father was pushing scrambled eggs across his plate, not eating. I chuckled as I kissed the top of his head. “What have we told you about playing with your food?” I sat kitty-corner from him, and Martha rushed in with a plate.

He smiled as he dropped his fork. “I guess I’m just not hungry.”

I eyed the strips of bacon still on his plate. It wasn’t like him to leave bacon behind. It was usually what he ate first. “You haven’t been eating the past few days.”

“I eat.” He shrugged. “Just not as much as I used to. It’s just stress, I guess. I’m okay.” He took a sip of water. “What about you? You feeling okay?”

“Yeah, I feel great. Much better now.”

I gave his hand a gentle squeeze and then pretended that I was going to steal a piece of his bacon. But he laughed as he grabbed it up and shoved it into his mouth. Reverse psychology worked every time.

I chuckled, taking a sip of my orange juice. “Padre, I’m ready to get out of this house.”

His eyes lowered to his plate as he nodded.

“You can’t keep me locked up in this house forever.” I gave his hand a gentle squeeze, claiming his attention. “Especially if I’m supposed to be running the Kingsley Family Businesses.”

“I know you don’t like the bodyguards, but you need them.” He patted my hand.

“Can I pick them then?” If I had to have bodyguards, at least it would be better if I had my own.

He regarded the question and after another sip of water he finally answered. “Yes. And while you do that, you need to pick an advisor. Kenny was mine but he’s gone now. I couldn’t replace him.” He shook his head. “I probably should have, then maybe…” He took a deep breath, his voice trailing off. “Do you have anyone in mind?”

Footsteps clicked against the marble floor, causing our heads to turn toward the entrance to the dining room.

“Nate?” My father jumped up.

“Sir—” Before he could get another word out, my father swept him up in a big bear hug. Nate’s eyes grew wide with surprise. My father probably had never hugged him before. He released him and took a step back.

“Have a seat. How are you feeling?”

“I’m better now. Thank you, sir.” Nate sat in the seat across the table from me, his eyes filled with concern. “How are you?”

I smiled. “I was just going to ask you the same thing.”

“You first.” His old smile lit his lips.

I cocked my head to the side, which made him smile. “I feel great. A little stir crazy though. Ready to get out.” I glanced at my father and then back at Nate. “How about you?”

Nate shrugged. “I just came back from the doctor, and he said that my body healed perfectly. Everything is okay and I can get back to my regular activities.”

“No long term damage?” My father sat back in his seat and poured Nate a glass of orange juice.

“Thank you, sir. No, there’s no long term damage.” He took a sip and swallowed. “And I’ve been going to the shooting range for the past month to make sure I can still hit the target, and my arms are good.”

“So, you’re good to go?” asked my father.

Nate nodded. “Always sir.”