Page 24 of Chosen By Blood

Chapter 10


I didn’t really remember being taken to the hospital. I remembered calling for Nate and he didn’t answer me. And then I remembered the car crashing. When I woke in the hospital a few days later, my father was the first person I saw. And then I saw the two-armed bodyguards standing by the door.

“You should have had guards before now.” My father shook his head, tears in his eyes. “I’m sorry. This is all my fault.” My father sat next to me holding my hand. His eyes were red and puffy, and he looked like he hadn’t slept in days. “You took two bullets, one the shoulder and one in your arm. You have a concussion from going through the windshield and your face was cut up, but nothing serious. You must have shielded your face with your arms. They took the brunt of it when you went through.”

“Nate—” My throat felt like I had swallowed hot coals.

He tapped my hand. “Nate’s okay. They think he’s going to make it. He was shot a few times and he hasn’t opened his eyes yet, but they think he’s going to pull through.”

I nodded, too afraid to speak as tears poured down my cheeks.

“You just get some rest, love. I’ll be right here when you wake.” He squeezed my hand.

And just like magic, his words put a spell on me. The second he told me to get some rest, I immediately slept as if I hadn’t slept in days. I had so many questions, and then all I wanted to do was close my eyes. So, I did. I was in and out for a few days after that.

At one point, I opened my eyes and Eli was there. ‘Hey, Little Red.” He smiled as he gave my hand a gentle squeeze.

“Wolfie.” I returned the smile, glad to see him.

“I’ll be right outside. My father glanced over at Eli and he nodded. Then my father stepped out into the hallway.

“Do they know who did it yet?” I asked, my voice weak, even to my own ears. “I want to get the fuckers who did this to Nate.”

“We don’t know anything yet, but we’re working on it.” He kissed my hand and then looked into my eyes. “Little Red, I don’t know what I would have done if I would have lost you.”

I chuckled. “Don’t you be getting all sentimental on me now… tough guy… Big Bad Wolfie.”

He laughed but there were tears in his eyes when he leaned over and gave me a tender kiss. “Get some rest. We’ll talk some more later when you get out of here.”

I nodded as my eyes started to close. “Eli?”


“Thanks for coming.”

He smiled, giving my hand another kiss. “Anytime, Litle Red. Anytime. Just do me a favor.”

“What?” I asked, already starting to drift off again.

“Don’t ever scare me like that again.”

I chuckled. “I’ll try not to.” The next thing I knew, I was drifting off in Neverland again as sleep found me once again.

When I finally felt like I could sit up and interact with the world, I had been in the hospital for more than a week.

When I was going home, Nate was just waking up. The doctors said he would have to stay for a couple more weeks. My father said my wounds weren’t as bad as Nate’s because the bullets passed through his body first.

I didn’t even remember hearing the shots. Not the first ones anyway. How could I not hear them? What kind of Boss would I be if I couldn’t even protect myself? If I wasn’t even aware of my surroundings.

My father and the two-armed bodyguards took me home, but I wanted to stay with Nate. Watch over him and tell him that everything was going to be okay. I wanted to comfort him. To thank him. To be there for him the way he had been there for me.

When we arrived, the house was filled with people and they were all armed. My father led me into the living room, and I collapsed onto the sofa. The men of the family filled the living room. I felt their eyes on me. They were all watching my every move.

“Who did this?” asked my father.

Everyone was quiet.