Page 20 of Chosen By Blood

Chapter 8


When I got home, I burst through the front doors and found my father in the dining room eating dinner.

“Have a seat.” His tone was calm, like always.

“Seriously?” I paced the floor in front of him. “Human trafficking? But you have a daughter!”

He placed his fork and knife down on his plate, grabbed a napkin, and wiped his mouth. “Addie, you work for me now and I am your boss.” His was so calm it was scary. “If you don’t get your ass in that chair, this is going to be a very different conversation. And I guarantee, love, that you’re not going to like it.” He picked up his fork and knife and continued cutting his steak.

I took a deep breath and did as I was told. I had never really seen my father angry. Well, not at me anyway. I knew there was a side to him that he never showed me, and you don’t get to be the head of a crime family by being nice all the time.

“Now.” He continued cutting his steak as he talked, the epitome of manners. “We never talk about business while we eat. Dinner is the time to enjoy a good meal and each other’s company. A time to be with family. We’ve always done it this way and that doesn’t change. Not even today.”

Martha came out of the kitchen and set a plate in front of me. I murmured a thank you and she nodded before exiting the room.


I didn’t really have an appetite. Anger filled my body and there was no room for food, but I didn’t want to make him angry or insult Martha. So, I did as I was told.

The steak was good, medium rare, just the way I liked it. Along with the steak was oven roasted garlic and parmesan potatoes and string beans sautéed with caramelized onions. I finished half of my plate. I tried to eat all of it, but my stomach just couldn’t take it.

When he finished eating, Martha came in and took our plates. He walked over to the bar and grabbed the decanter of Scotch and two glasses. He poured two hefty glasses and handed me one.

He took a long sip. “Listen. I know you’re angry, but business is business.”

“So, we’re in the sex trafficking business now? That’s what we do?” I took a huge gulp of my drink, needing it to calm me down.

He took another swig. “Addie, we are a fucking crime family. Crime is what we do!”

“I get that, Dad! I do! But sex trafficking?” I shook my head as I took another sip of my drink, already feeling the magical liquid going over my body. “That’s a crime we could’ve turned down.”

“It’s good money.”

“All money isn’t good money.”

“Money isn’t good or bad, Addie. Money is just money. Never forget that.” He took another sip of his drink. “I know what we’re doing but everyone agreed on it. Reggie brought the idea to me, and he made a sound argument for it. People were doing it anyway. So, we thought we may as well get a cut of the action.”

I shook my head. Fucking Reggie! “Figures it was his idea. That’s why he wanted me to see it.”

“You need to understand all aspects of our business.” My father refilled our glasses. “This is our business. It’s bloody and sometimes you’re going to have to do things that you don’t agree with for the good of the family.”

“If selling women to the highest bidder is good for the family, then what kind of fucking family is this?”

He blinked and then lowered his head. “I know you don’t like it, Addie, and I understand why. But it is what it is.”

“Until it isn’t.” I downed the Scotch, grabbed the decanter and refilled my glass. “Are you sure you want me to be your replacement? Because if I take over, there will be changes.”

He shrugged, motioning for me to refill his glass, too. “Maybe that’s the point.”

My forefinger tapped the crystal decanter. “If I wanted to make a change like no more sex trafficking, who would side with me?”

My father shrugged. “No one. That said, this family isn’t a fucking democracy. If you are the Boss and you want something done, then get it done. But….”

“I need them to fear and respect me.”

He nodded slowly. “And they don’t yet. Although that Frank-and-Matt shit and Little Jimmy’s hand in my living room has given you some favor.”

“So, what you’re saying is that if I take away one avenue that makes them a lot of money, then I need to replace it with something just as good.” The wheels started turning n my head, already working on a plan.

“I never said those words but that would be the smart thing to do. Yes.” My father took another sip of his drink and sighed. Conversations such as these were necessary but weren’t good for his health. “You don’t want a mutiny on your hands once I’m gone. And if no one in the family is on your side, you won’t survive one.”