Page 25 of Chosen By Blood

“Nobody knows anything.” My father placed his hands on his hips, looking every man in the eye. “You stand here in my house and tell me that you know nothing. It’s been days since my daughter was shot and there’s still silence. One of you needs to fucking explain that to me.”

“I’m sorry, Boss,” Kent said, obviously the only one with enough balls to speak. “No one has taken credit for it and the police don’t have any leads. They have security footage of the car, but the license plate was removed. It was just a black car.”

“Who would want her dead?” My father sat in the large chair across from me.

The second he asked the question, my eyes fell on Reggie. He glanced my way for a second but then turned his attention back to my father.

“What were they doing?” asked Reggie.

“Having dinner,” I answered, my eyes never wavering from his.

“Anything weird happen?”

“No. We ate. Nate texted someone and then we got up and left.”

“Who did he text? Do you know?” My father leaned forward.

“No, I don’t know who it was.” I shrugged, watching Reggie. “But I had told Nate I wanted a meeting with Lucian Sky, and he said he would see if he could make it happen. When he got off the phone, he said they would set up a time and place the following week.”

Everyone started talking. Some of the voices were low whispers while others wanted to be heard.

Reggie wanted to be heard. “You met with Lucian?” he scoffed. “That’s why she got shot!”

“I told you they hate us.” My father shook his head, his eyes sad and tired.

“Isn’t that one of my tasks?” I reminded them, my voice rising above the din, claiming everyone’s attention. “I’m supposed to speak with them and try to persuade them to be our allies. How can I do that if I don’t speak with them?”

“They don’t want to speak with us.” Reggie scoffed, shaking his head.

I stared at Reggie, remembering what Nate had told me. “And whose fault is that?”

The room went silent. I turned my attention back to my weary father. “As soon as he sent the text, we got up to leave. How would they have found us that fast?”

He regarded the question and nodded. “She’s right. They couldn’t have gotten to them that fast unless they were watching them.” He shrugged. “And why would they do that?”

One of my armed bodyguards entered the room. “Eli Gold is here, sir.”

“Send him in.” My father leaned back in his chair.

Eli and two other men walked into the room. His gray eyes met mine and I wanted to wrap my arms around him. I wanted to crawl into his arms and hide from the bullshit that surrounded me. His eyes locked with mine and he smiled. It was faint and vanished as quickly as it appeared before he turned to face my father.

“Mr. Kingsley, we came to offer our support,” Eli said, squaring his shoulders. “Anything we can do to help apprehend those responsible for the assassination attempt on your daughter, just ask.”

“Where is your father?” My father tilted his head to the side. “Why isn’t he here paying his respects?”

“He would if he could, sir. But my father is out of town. So, he sent me in his stead. But truth be told, I would be here of my own accord anyway. Anything you need, just let us know.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if it was you trying to make a move and wipe out the Kingsley line.” Lyle was my father’s younger brother, sitting next to Reggie. He always seemed to be next to or around Reggie in some capacity.

Eli’s nostrils flared for a quick second. He cracked his neck, quickly regaining his composure like he always did. It was always hard to tell when he was angry unless you knew what to look for. His right hand twitched but then he slipped it into his pocket.

“It wasn’t us.”

“How the fuck do we know that?” Lyle rose to his feet. “Did you survey everyone in your organization before you came here? Why should we just take your word for it?”

“Because I speak for the Gold family, and they know better.” There was an edge to Eli’s voice that meant he was close to losing his shit.

Lyle chuckled. “Please! You’re soft. Just like your mother.” He shook his head, looking down at him. “You wouldn’t do anything to the people who tried to murder my niece if they were standing right in front of you.”