Page 19 of Chosen By Blood

“Well, we just wanted to make sure things were running smoothly.” Nate looked around the room. “No more escape attempts?”

Big Bob shook his head. “No. Things have been quiet lately. Everything is good.”

“Alright. Well, we’ll get out of here so you can get back to it.” Nate grabbed my hand and led me out of the building. We were silent until we got in the car. I waited until we pulled out onto the main road. I could feel my blood boiling beneath my skin. I had to hit something. Someone. My hand slammed into the glove box and Nate’s head snapped up, his eyes wide.

“Sex trafficking? Really? Drugs and prostitution weren’t making us enough money? We gotta fucking sell people!” I slammed my hand onto the arm rest.

“Please don’t fuck up my car.” Nate shook his head.

“Who sanctioned this? Does my father know? He can’t! No way!” My father would never approve of kidnapping women and selling them to the highest bidder. That’s not like him.

“The Boss knows about all business ventures and has to approve them before they go through.” Nate let out a deep breath.

“But he has a daughter!”