Page 12 of Chosen By Blood

“Ray, was it?”

Ray’s eyes were fixed to the ground as piss trickled down his pants leg.

“I’m not going to kill you, Ray.”

He watched as his puddle of piss crawled along the ground and mixed with the blood of the men that had been standing next to him.

“Look at me Ray. I’m not going to kill you,” I repeated, smiling as sweetly as I could manage. “Not yet anyway.”

Adding that last line made his eyes snap up to meet mine. “There you are. Take a deep breath.”

He inhaled.

“Let it out.”

His shoulders relaxed slightly as he exhaled.

“I don’t like being laughed at.”

He nodded slowly. “I can see that.”

I tilted my head slightly and stared at him.

“I-I mean. Um...yes… yes ma’am.”

I smiled. “Now. I’m going to give you a chance to tell me the truth, Ray, so choose your words carefully. What’s been going on here?”

Ray took a deep breath and surveyed the scene before him. When his eyes met mine, he explained how Frank and Matt had made deals with some drug dealers to take some of our product and sell it on the street. They would get a cut, of course.

“What about the missing money?” I asked, tilting my head to the side.

“Well, I think they’d been skimming but I’m not sure.”

“Why aren’t you sure, Ray?” I asked, pooching out my lip. “Don’t you work here?”

Ray looked at me like he was unsure of how to answer the question.

“Now’s not the time for lying, Ray.” I checked my weapon and then looked him in the eye as Nate and Ricky stood back, letting me take care of business.

“I have no proof and every time Big Nicky checked the books, he said everything added up. So, I’m not sure.” His eyes were wide. “But we were supposed to get paid the same, but they seemed to have more envelopes of cash and…something just seemed off. Until recently, I was told the books added up.”

“Huh.” I turned my attention to Nate. “What changed recently? Is Big Nicky still checking the books?”

Nate shook his head slowly. “No. The Boss gave Big Nicky another job to do. Little Blue checks the books in this area now.”

“Yeah, Big Nicky is doing pick-ups now,” added Ricky, concern filling his voice.

I sighed. “Okay. Here’s what we do. First, we clean up this mess.”

Nate nodded.

I arched an eyebrow. “We have someone for that, right?”

Nate glanced at the bodies. “Yes, ma’am, we do.”

“Whoever they are, tell them I want my bullets dug out of their heads and returned to me.” I slid my weapon back into its holster. “We need this place cleaned up by tonight so Ray can get back to work in the morning.”

“Huh?” Ray’s eyes were so wide it looked painful. “I run things now?”