‘She never married. She was always happiest by herself, I think.’

‘Well, perhaps not always,’ Mrs. Thompson said reflectively.

‘No, or I guess I wouldn’t be here now!’

‘Give her my best when you get home,’ Mrs. Thompson said, opening the door for them.

‘Oh … I …’ Amy didn’t know where to start with her explanation. The words dried in her mouth, and she looked at Matt.

‘She died last year,’ Matt said, reaching out for her hand, giving her a swift, compassionate glance. He knew what it was like, to constantly be having to tell people, to watch their faces as they processed the news, and to watch their grief — and their pity.

‘Died? Jen Harris died? Goodness me. Oh, I’m so sorry dear. I wish I’d never said nowt.’ An expression of startled sadness crossed the old lady’s face. ‘She can’t have been more than, what — how old’s our Peter now? — mid-fifties at the most.’


‘Oh my goodness … surely not? Was it an illness?’

‘No. It was an accident. A tragic accident. She drowned in the river.’

‘Drowned?’ Mrs. Thompson repeated, as if in shock. ‘Oh, my Lord. That beautiful young woman.’ She reached out to hug Amy. ‘I’m so very sorry, my dear. So very sorry. I’m glad you’ve got your young man here to help you through it.’ She looked over at Matt, who had taken Amy’s hand again.

‘Matt and I aren’t … he’s not …’ She began to try and explain, but the warm pressure of his hand on hers told her she didn’t need to worry about what they were or weren’t right now.

‘I’m so very sorry, dear. Jen Harris dead. Deary me. Deary, deary me. Someone had better tell our Peter.’

They left her in the kitchen, walking back down the camping field together, Amy wiping away tears from her eyes.

‘Mrs. Thompson obviously liked your mother very much,’ Matt said.

‘I didn’t realise. They hadn’t kept in touch, there was nothing in my mother’s address book or her phone. I wonder why they didn’t? There are so many things I wish I could ask Mam. It must be the same for you with Stella. So many unanswered questions.’

‘You’re right there. So many unanswered questions.’