‘Of course he has. They’ve played nicely more often than not,’ Amy told him.

‘Then another sticker for that seems fair,’ said James. ‘Laurie?’

Her response was a decided nod. ‘And I think,’ she said quietly, ‘perhaps a special extra sticker might be deserved today — because Harry did exactly what his mum told him and stayed with his friend.’ She looked apologetically at Amy.

‘I agree,’ said James, smiling at Laurie.

‘So that’s it? I’ve done my sticker chart? And we can go to America?’ Harry said hopefully.

‘That’s right Harry,’ James assured him.

‘Yeah! Awesome! That’s great. There’s just one thing.’ Harry was looking thoughtfully into the distance.

‘What is it?’ Laurie asked kindly.

‘I’m not sure I want to now. I like it here, couldn’t we come back here and do camping instead?’