Matt took a step towards him, wincing slightly. ‘It would seem like it. So, what, exactly, do you imagine has been going on?’

‘Harry’s messages rather suggested … and Laurie got it into her head that Harry was … Oh God, I don’t know how to put this …’

There was a long silence, as one by one the adults all turned to look at Harry.

‘Harry? What have you been telling your dad?’ Amy said, turning to her son. He was sitting in a camping chair, playing on the phone which he had taken out of his pocket again. He stared fixedly at the screen, as if by staring long enough it might transport him elsewhere and he wouldn’t have to talk to his parents.

‘Harry?’ James said. ‘All those things you told me, were they true?’

‘Well, it did rain a lot and there was lots of sheep poo,’ he said. ‘Shall me and Oliver go and play Goat Gunge now?’

‘Not right now. I think we need to get to the bottom of this, and you might be able to help us,’ said Amy. ‘Give me your phone, Harry.’

‘It’s run out of battery,’ he said, hiding it behind his back.

‘You’re playing on it right now.’

‘It’s going to run out of battery.’

‘Give me your phone, Harry.’

‘It’s my special phone for Dad. He said I’m not to let you see it, didn’t you, Dad? And if I don’t do what I’m told, I won’t get a sticker for doing what I’m told on my chart today!’

‘I think maybe you should hand the phone to your mother,’ Laurie said.