Page 8 of The Gamble

“I’m sure I will enjoy myself,” she replied.

“I’ll make sure of that,” Beau murmured. “In fact, you might remember that I’m quite skilled at finding ways to help womenenjoythemselves.”

“I recall that particular part of your skillset, yes.” Alessandra’s previously genuine smile seemed to cool slightly at his suggestive comment. Her face insinuated she wasn’t interested in any activities other than those she was required to do for her job. The fact that she was bothered by his comment was confirmed when she abruptly stood to leave. “I’m glad to see you’re off to a good start today. I’ll let you watch your games, and I’ll see you at dinner. Our reservation is for eight o’clock.”

“See you then.” Beau was disappointed she was leaving, and he had to admit to himself that he still wanted her to want him—and not just because of her job. He hadn’t intended to scare her off with his comment. And just a few hours ago, she seemed to respond to his flirting, not push him away.

He’d hoped she might want to explore what he assumed was still a mutual physical attraction between the two of them. Did her sudden departure mean he was wrong about that? Or did it mean she didn’t think it was a good idea? There was no rule against them having a more personal encounter.

He didn’t need her to approve any casino credit for him—he had more than enough money to lose. There was no conflict of interest. Neither The Benson’s owners nor Nevada’s gaming regulators would be concerned.

The possibility of running his hand over her stomach and onto her full breasts again might intrigue her as much as it did him. Maybe they could recreate that limousine ride again. No harm in that, right?

Beau’s phone rang. He saw his brother Aaron’s number. This was unexpected.

“What happened?” Beau answered.

“Nothing, asshole. Do you always expect the worst from me? I was just calling to see how you’re doing.”

“You don’t call to check up on me,” Beau said. “What’s going on?”

“I call you once a month,” Aaron protested.

“Usually to bitch about a bad beat, not to see how I’m doing.”

“Same thing.” Aaron changed the subject. “I heard you were at The Benson this week.”

“You must have talked to Dad. Yes, I’m here. They’re wining and dining me,” Beau replied.

“Dad said Alessandra Caro is the CEO there now. Isn’t she the one you were fucking? When the whole edge-sorting thing went down? She can’t be happy about that. Did she know you were coming?”

Realization dawned on Beau. “NowI know why you called. Yes, she knew I was coming. And I don’t know if she’s happy about it or not. She seems… professional.”

“Beau, she’s the only woman I’ve ever known you to be that attached to. For twenty years, I swear you’ve been looking for someone just like her. I told you to call her back then, but you never did. Are you going to continue being an idiot, or are you going to try to reconnect with her now?”

It was all true.

“Aaron, I haven’t been looking for someone like her. I get bored, that’s all. And suppose we did… as you say, reconnect. What if she wanted more than that? That’s where problems would occur. When I left her twenty years ago and didn’t call her, I assumed she’d been upset. And I’m not heartless. I don’t want to do that another time.”

“How do you know what she wants? Did you ask? I remember her well. She was so open, happy, someone without a secret in the world. And totally hot. Has she changed that much?”

Beau frowned at the phone. “Hell, Aaron, I don’t know. She’s still sexy as hell. And the thought of her in bed again… well, you can imagine. But as for the other stuff? I don’t even know if she’s been married. Don’t know if she has a boyfriend. She seems friendly, but there is a frosty exterior that wasn’t there before.”

Aaron sighed. “Beau, you’ve developed a habit of ignoring any hint of an attachment other than sexual. You were emotionally attached to Alessandra back then. Say what you want now, but I know you loved her then.”

“I did love her. And I hurt her. At least I think I did. But after I was too embarrassed to even call her again, I realized maybe I’m just not the long-term relationship type. My life was too complicated. You know it, Aaron. Your life is exactly the same.”

“Maybe,” Aaron admitted. “But I haven’t found any woman to love the way you seemed to love her.”

“That was a long time ago. Now, she seems like a woman devoted to only one true love… her career.”

“Then there isn’t any harm in pursuing something with her. If she’s only concerned about her career, she wouldn’t ever be too clingy. And remember, even when you left her, she never called you, not once, despite your relationship. Maybe she wasn’t as hurt as you thought she was.”

“First you remind me I loved her. Now you’re saying maybe she never loved me, and I should just have sex with her?” Beau huffed, frustrated.

“I’m just saying… see what’s there. Maybe she won’t want anything more than a sexual relationship. And you don’t even know if she wants that because you haven’t tried.”

Beau hoped she did. In twenty years, he hadn’t found another woman he’d been as sexually compatible with as he was with Alessandra. Aaron’s reasoning was starting to make sense. Being focused on her career, she wouldn’t want to join him for Thanksgiving or Christmas or any other holiday, for that matter. She’d be working. It was unlikely he could ever disappoint her again.

“You know what? You’re not a terrible brother, after all. And you’re right. Alessandra and I have both grown up, chosen our paths. And in that way, she might be absolutely perfect for a Las Vegas fling.” Beau already knew a sexual relationship would be extraordinarily satisfying for them both. “And then, it could simply fade into the background as soon as I return to Montana.”

“Or it could evolve into something else…” Aaron prompted.

But Beau’s mind was made up. “Doubtful.”