Somehow,thecastleappearedeven more foreboding the second time I drove towards it.
The stone walls were no different, the manicured gardens were still well kept, but I knew more about what lurked inside this time around. Still, dread crept up my skin as I watched the building loom larger with every passing second.
What did William have planned this time? I’d nearly lost my hands in the last contest, and my dignity the time before that. Would I lose my legs this time? My life?
Ares gripped my hand. I glanced over at him, sitting on the limo’s bench seat beside me, wishing I could voice all the worries and fears that were threatening to drag me under. However, I knew nothing we said would be safe from prying ears. Ares had told me that the driver could hear it all. It occurred to me then that might be the reason Ares slept in that dingy room deep in the castle. It might be the only place safe from William’s spies.
“It’s going to be okay,” he whispered.
Having him here meant the world to me, even if we couldn’t comment on what happened. What we had shared. I shivered as I remembered our passion. But I couldn’t act any differently. William couldn’t know what we’d done.
Still, I wanted to climb into his lap and have him wrap his arms around me. How could I face this without him by my side? It seemed like a cruel reality to be able to connect with him on such a deep level and then act like nothing had passed between us. Maybe it hadn’t been the best idea, but I couldn’t take it back, nor would I. Ares and I were meant to be together. It was William and this damn game that were getting in our way. If only I’d met him under different circumstances.
“It’ll be okay,” Ares repeated.
I nodded but felt like asking how he could be so sure. William was still in charge, and he had an agenda that didn’t include my sanity or safety.
I had to go on. I had no choice. To save my family, I had to win this cursed game and join Ares. My grandfather wouldn’t have asked me to mate with a vampire if the future of our pack didn’t depend on it. Whatever William knew, I was sure my grandfather had been aware of it too. Besides, if we didn’t go along, I feared William might start a war that would not end well for anyone.
Only then could I be free of the burdens I was facing.
Or would I? If Ares and I were joined, didn’t that mean I was signing myself up to deal with William forever? Maybe I could convince Ares to move into our family compound away from William and his meddling ways. But then I was gettingwayahead of myself.
I still had to face Laurel and her ilk. They would be gunning for me, and now it was three against one, and I still needed to figure out what a Dark Match might mean, all while dealing with my grandfather’s death and my newfound position as head of the family.
Yeah, everything was hunky-dory.
The limo pulled up to the main entrance, stopping right in front of the huge wooden doors. I gave Ares another look, and he pressed a chaste kiss on my lips before getting out and walking around to open my door. I slipped my hand into the pocket of my coat and gripped the Alpha necklace I’d hidden there, hoping it would give me strength. Then I stepped out of the vehicle.
Ares and I stood beside the limo and stared at the castle.
“I’ve got you,” he whispered in my ear.
I leaned into him, wishing we could stay right here for the rest of time.
The broad front doors swung wide, a giant mouth opening to swallow me whole. The vampire guards appeared, waiting for us to walk up. Taking a deep breath, I headed toward them, ready to meet my fate.
The minute we were inside, the guards were practically on top of us. I wanted to cling to Ares, but they maneuvered between us.
“Mr. Raith, you’re needed upstairs.”
Ares started to slip around the guards, but they stood their ground, making a wall between us.
Ares’s eyes turned dark and his hands fisted. I knew his fangs were elongating and his rage was starting to build, but what good would a fight here do?
“It’s fine,” I said, trying to keep the peace. “I need some rest, anyway. Go take care of your business. I’ll see you later.”
His eyes narrowed, but he gave a curt nod before turning and heading down the hallway, leaving me alone with the guards.
“Back to my room, then, fellas?” I asked, trying to keep it light.
Their stony expressions let me know nothing had changed. They didn’t like me. They might outright hate me for all I knew.
We walked the rest of the way in silence.
My room was deathly quiet now that Violet was gone. I walked to her side of the suite and stared at her vacant bed. We’d been kept in the dark about our friends after they left, and I wonder how she was. What was she doing at home? Was she happy now that she was free of this place? Had she been paired with one of the lesser vampires? Was she happy about that? I wished her all the best, even though I missed her like crazy. Once I got out of here, I would make sure to visit her.