Page 65 of Rejected Mate


“Whatdoyouthinkit will be this time?” Violet whispered, leaning close to me. She fidgeted with the containment cuff on her wrist. Our constant reminder that we were prisoners here.

Rats in their maze. But we had to play.

I glanced out at the athletic field, lit once again by hanging lanterns. The grass looked silver in the cloud-covered moonlight. An owl hooted, only adding to the eerie feeling tumbling around in my stomach.

What was the game this time? Well, there were metal spheres the size of kickballs down at one end, but nothing else to indicate what the game might be. There was no treacherous obstacle course. No barrels. Nothing to give me a clear idea and help set my nerves at ease.

“I don’t know,” I answered, giving a shrug and trying to lighten the mood. “Juggling?”

Violet snorted and wrapped her arms around her slender frame. “At least that is something I might be good at. Anything else, and I’m sure to be sent home.”

We’d been given word that more girls were to be eliminated after today’s trials. It seemed the vamps only wanted strong mates and some of the girls weren’t proving their worth. I’d made the silly assumption that each of the seven remaining girls would be matched with a mate, but it seemed William and the game makers had other ideas. Had the vamp suitors found our selection of females wanting? Or was William pulling a power move to make sure Ares was the only one who ended up with someone?

Or maybe we were only being told half the story?

Vampire politics hurt my head.

It didn’t matter. I had to win and stay in the game. Otherwise, what was any of this for? And the idea of Laurel getting her hands on Ares made me livid with anger. How strange to go from hating someone to wishing you could be with that person every waking moment.

Had I lost my mind? Probably. Was it Stockholm Syndrome? Likely.

Was Ares charming, witty, and a delight to be with? Absolutely.

They didn’t call him Mr. Eligible Bachelor for nothing.

Laurel couldn’t have him. I’d already decided that in my bones.

As if I’d summoned her with my thoughts, she and her two henchwolves strolled onto the field and surveyed the scene. Laurel never went anywhere now without Nanette and Loba at her side. They’d struck some sort of deal with her, which I was sure Laurel would break as soon as it suited her.

Still, it made her dangerous. Fighting one wolf was easy. Fighting three… Not so good.

I glanced back, noting that Silvia and Justice, a shifter I hadn’t really talked to much, were heading in our direction. Seven of us remained and after today, there would be only four. The stakes had never been higher. I had a hard time meeting their eyes since I knew I would be vying for the same spots they were.

“What now?” Silvia asked. She was dressed in turquoise athletic gear that showed off her toned physique and her curly hair was pulled back into a stylish top knot.

If I had to bet on who would still be around after this challenge, Silvia would be on my list.

Her caramel-colored eyes surveyed the field, and she frowned. “Do you think we’ll be able to shift?”

“I hope so,” said Justice. She was wearing blue shorts and a floral tank top. More model-thin than muscular, she glanced between Silvia and me as if we had answers. “Otherwise, how can they see what we can do?”

“I have a feeling they get uncomfortable with us in our wolf forms,” Silvia whispered. “I’ve heard the maids telling jokes about dogs under their breath. They’re okay with us in our human form, but wolf…” She shook her head.

Was that true? Did Ares not like me in my wolf form? It was another wrinkle, one I didn’t have time to consider because the vampires were coming out.

Eight of them marched out of the castle, and the cameras swung from us to the procession. William walked in the front, followed by Ares. Behind him walked Callan, head held high.

Son-of-a-bitch, he’s still here. Even after he cut me!

My eyes locked on him. He’d called me a dog, too. Not to mention the fact that he’d tried to kill Ares, and yet, here he was. Ares had been right. There was some reason William was allowing this. Another power play from the man that pulled all the strings?

William took his spot in the center of the large field, and the seven vampire suitors lined up behind him. The cameras, which were already in their silent corners before we’d arrived, trained their lenses on the elder vampire. Once he knew he had our attention, and the attention of everyone viewing at home, he began to speak.

“Good evening, ladies, gentlemen, and the folks at home. Thank you, once again, for joining us. As you know, tonight is very special. Tonight we will be saying goodbye to four of our contestants, and hello to our three finalists.”

Fourcontestants were leaving? That was more than we counted on. A murmur went up from the girls behind me, but William’s voice blotted them out.