Page 59 of Rejected Mate

Clasping my hands together, I tried to think of the right words to express why I made us lose the game.

Do I tell him the truth? Do I lie?

When I looked into his dark eyes, I knew there were far too many secrets as it was. And if I wanted him to start being honest, I needed to try it out myself.

“I made a split-second decision to knock the barrels over. It was more of an impulse than a well-thought-out plan. I think I was… scared.”

“Scared?” he said, lifting an eyebrow. “Scared of me?”

I paused, willing the right words to come. “Scared of…us.”

He dropped his gaze to the floor as the silence seeped into the room. Would this be when he’d kick me out? Tell me to pack my bags?

“I’m scared, too. Of this.” He gestured between him and me. Then he got up, walked to the wall, and lifted up the bottom of the tapestry he’d torn down the other night so the candlelight could illuminate more of it. The ancient fabric showed woven scenes in faded blues and greens. A white figure caught my eye. A white wolf.

My mouth went dry.

“What does this mean?” I asked, pointing at it.

He shook his head. “This side shows the vampires.” He traced the dark figures on one side of the tapestry. Long, spindly figures that looked more like specters than men. Yet one figure stood out, much better defined and lighter in color than the others. It was clear the weaver wanted the viewer to pay attention to that figure. That he was special.

“And this side shows the shifters.” Ares pointed to the white wolf and the other brown wolves behind it. “It is supposed to prophesize a time when we come together. When we join as one. It seems the prophecy points to two people in particular.”

“Is that why you vampires took over our mating games?”

He nodded, pausing for a long time and making me think he wasn’t going to answer. At last, he said, “I feel I can trust you, Wren.” His dark gaze met mine as if searching for a reason that would prove his intuition wrong. When he continued, I decided he hadn’t found one.

“We are dying out. No one wants to talk about it, but vampire numbers in our region are dwindling and fast. The elders are sick. They’ve tried every remedy from science to ancient wisdom, to no avail. And the new vampires either don’t turn or die in the process. And you’ve seen how our healing power has diminished. Everyone is terrified, but William thinks the prophecy will save us somehow.”

“The shifters are sick, too.” I couldn’t believe I was sharing this with a vampire. Had I lost my mind? Maybe the loss of blood had turned my brain into a limp raisin. Still, I continued. “Young are scarce and some die before their first birthday. And the elders…”

The words caught in my throat as I thought of my grandfather. Was he even still alive? Tears threatened to fall, but I wouldn’t let them. What good would it do to cry here?

Ares watched me carefully, the candlelight playing on his handsome features. “We need to figure this out, for both our sakes. William knows more, but he’s not trusting anyone with the knowledge, not even me, and I don’t know why. I’ve always been his confidant, but lately, he’s grown distant, pushing me away. I think he even hates me now.”

“I’m sorry,” I said, meaning it.

He gave me a tender look. “It’s okay. He has changed over time. I don’t think I like the person he’s become, not the person he wishes me to be.”

I nodded. “How do we learn more?”

“The library. If there’s information to be had, it’ll be there. William has quite the collection.”

Ah, yes, the library. I’d been there, but with Callan lurking around, I hadn’t gotten very far.

“When do we go?” I asked.

“Are you feeling up to it now?”

I threw back the covers and swung my legs over the side of the bed. “I’m up to it, but I’ll need other clothes. I’ve spent far too much time barely dressed as it is.”

Ares cracked the first smile he had in a long time. “I don’t know. I do so enjoy you barely dressed.”

I gave him a mock glare before getting up to dig through an ancient wardrobe. “Dream on, vampire prince. If we’re going to spend our hot date being attacked first and at the library digging through dusty tomes second, I’m going to wear pants. You have to earn the sexy outfit.”

“Is that right? In that case, I promise you I will.”