Pulling away, he reached for the wine bottle and took another long swig.
I gave a mirthless laugh and decided to probe further.
“You’re trapped? Same as me?” I asked, keeping my voice low. He was finally talking, and I didn’t want him to be dissuaded by the cameras. “Are you kidding me? If you feel trapped here, imagine how I feel. My grandfather is dying, and I can’t even go see him.”
Suddenly, my calm, cool demeanor was gone. Anger and sorrow seeped into my words until I was choking on them. The wine wasn’t helping either. “Tell me what is going on. Now.”
“Wren.” He reached for me, but I stepped away.
“Don’t.” I took four steps and reached for the doorknob, ready to leave.
He grabbed my wrist, stopping me.
When I looked up in anger, all I saw reflected back was pain. “Please don’t leave. I’m not myself. I haven’t been in a while. This game… it’s…”
I nodded. “I know.” At least this emotion I could understand. All the manipulation and lies were getting to everyone.
I stared at him, so vulnerable, and couldn’t help but feel for him. He had to be under constant strain too, and now someone was attacking him? My enemies used poorly constructed insults. His enemies used blades.
With a boldness I hadn’t felt in a while, I touched his skin near where the wound was. His chest was cold to the touch and solid, like marble. He inhaled as if my fingertips on his skin were either hurting him or giving him great pleasure.
“Some wounds never heal,” I whispered.
He grabbed my wrists, forcefully at first, but then allowed his touch to turn gentle. “I’ll heal… with your help.”
Then he pulled me into an embrace as his lips found mine.
Heat seared through me as Ares’s kiss took hold of my senses. His lips were cool and soft, but his hands on my neck were firm and insistent. I could tell he wanted me by his growl and the way he pulled me to him. His hard body closed the gap between us until we were practically wrapped around each other.
I couldn’t help myself. My hands slid up his back and gripped his shirt, holding on for dear life as his tongue slid into my mouth. The taste of wine flooded me as my chest heaved and my thighs trembled.
How could he turn me into jelly with one kiss? But he could. Easily, he sent shivers up my spine and had me clinging to him, longing to unbutton what remained of his shirt and slide my hands up his smooth chest. I wanted to do that and more, but there were cameras. We weren’t alone. Instead, I leaned into him, inwardly groaning as he caught my bottom lip between his teeth. He did it gently, but God, was it sexy? I wanted to urge him on. I wanted to slide out of this dress and—
The sound of breaking wood drew us out of each other’s arms. One moment, the door was there. The next, it blasted open and smashed against the table. Glass broke and items toppled, but I couldn’t see what was happening, because Ares had already shielded me behind him with his wall of a body.
“I hate to break up the party,” a voice said.
I glanced around Ares to see Callan and two other vamps standing in the doorway.
“Sorry to break up a little PDA,” Callan said, his eyes narrow. “Were you on second base? Third?”
“Callan!” Ares growled. “Get out of here.”
Callan smiled smugly as his thugs entered the room and began flanking Ares. “Sorry, old chap, but I can’t do that. You and I have unfinished business.”
Then Callan raised a dagger and attacked.