“No, I was only surprised.” It was on the tip of her tongue to demand he refrain from ever going to Hagerty’s again before she caught herself.

“Now, the lessons I excelled at, as an earl, are the sort which will take place in our bedroom. Or possibly other locations.” He gave a careless wave. “I plan on debauching you quite thoroughly. Perhaps we’ll read your father’s naughty books together and you can point out what you’d like me to do.” He held out another forkful of the chicken to her.

Rosalind’s mouth closed over the bite, heat flooding her cheeks as she thought of some of the acts those books depicted.

“Alas, I fear I will disappoint you in one regard. I was never a rake. Not really.” He leaned back and took a sip of wine. “I never reached the heights of say... the Duke of Averell. Either of them, though I do adore women.” He speared a mushroom and held it before her lips. “But only one woman at present. Or ever again.”

Rosalind’s heart, so determined to remain apathetic toward Torrington, pulsed and ached for him, nearly as ferociously as her body did.

“Anna, my first wife, was a lovely girl. But sickly.”

“She died of a fever.”

Torrington nodded. “We grew up together. I bore her a great deal of affection. More brotherly in nature. Lizabet.” His handsome features darkened. “She was beautiful and as well-bred as one of those Pomeranians we discussed previously. She had lovers and so thought it wise that it appear I did as well.” Another drink of wine. “But I did notadoreeither of them.” His voice was soft, like a wisp of smoke.

“And what of Bijou?” Rosalind said in a teasing tone.

Bijou, curled up in one corner, lifted her head at the mention of her name.

“Who did you think I was speaking of?” Torrington replied, lips twitching.

Rosalind narrowed her eyes at him and sipped her wine.

They ate in silence for a few moments, the air in the small parlor growing thick with the hum of their desire for each other. Rosalind felt fear clutch at her chest, the absolute aversion to allowing herself to care so deeply for Torrington. She seemed powerless to stop it from overwhelming her.

Only think of tonight, Rosalind.

While she ate, the left side of her robe slid down, exposing her bare shoulder. She moved to tug the sleeve back up but stopped at the soft hiss of Torrington’s command.

“Untie your robe.”

She was about to argue but saw the way his eyes were heated, almost golden in the firelight. Another wash of arousal lashed her, making her fingers tremble. She stood and unbelted the robe, allowing the garment to fall to the floor.

Her nipples hardened to peaks beneath the small scrap of lace covering her breasts, begging for Torrington’s notice. She wasn’t sure what to do with her hands, so she placed her palms on the table and waited.

Torrington got up and came to her. His nose nuzzled along the side of her neck while a big hand cupped one breast. The other wrapped around the base of her skull, fingers sinking into her hair. Pulling her head back to expose the slope of her neck, his mouth teased gently at the sensitive skin, nibbling and sucking his way to the line of her jaw.

He took her hand and pressed it against the bulge in his trousers. “I assume you know what to expect, given your taste in reading. You aren’t going to faint at the sight of my cock, are you? Well, you may if you find it so magnificent it takes your breath away.”

Rosalind couldn’t help it. She giggled. “No. I’ve seen drawings.”

“Of course you have.”

“Will you faint at the sight of my breasts?” Rosalind had always been somewhat ashamed of her breasts. They were monstrous things. Huge. Difficult to contain.

“Possibly,” he growled, running his hand over the lace. “I’ve wanted your nipples between my teeth for quite a while.”

“You don’t find them... too much?”

A low sound of appreciation came from Torrington. “No, I do not.”

She shivered, arching back against him as he rolled her nipples between his big fingers. One hand slid down the line of her hip, grabbing at her thigh, caressing the soft flesh. He palmed her mound through the lace, running his finger along her slit.

“It might be better if we blow out the candles.” One of her hands self-consciously covered the small mound of her belly.

“Don’t be ridiculous. I licked your quim while you sat atop the worktable in my kitchen, where my meals,ourmeals will be prepared. I’ll probably do it again. And I’ve already seen your stomach.” His nose nudged against her hair. “Besides, I like your generous figure. Lots of curves. Small hollows for me to explore. You’re full of secret places.” His fingers tugged at the soft hair atop her mound. Taking her chin, Torrington kissed her until she grabbed at the edges of his shirt and her legs wobbled. He lowered his mouth to one nipple, sucking the small peak into his mouth.

“Undress me,” he said against her breast, tongue flicking out at her nipple. “You said you wanted to see me naked, Rosalind.”