Bijou put her paw on his thigh and rubbed the side of her head against his leg.

She was old now. Her muzzle nearly white. There were times Bram or one of the footmen had to carry her up and down the stairs because her back legs pained her. But Bram never minded. Bijou was the only female companionship he needed most nights. There had been no reason to welcome another woman into his life.

Until now.

“I’m sorry to say, Bijou, but another lady has enticed me with her charms.” He scratched the dog behind one ear. “I’m as surprised as you are, trust me. I thought I would soon forget her, but I haven’t. And now it appears I must take a wife because Stanwell is gone.” He paused. “Well, notonlybecause Stanwell has died, I must admit.”

Bijou cocked her head. She was a very good listener.

“I didn’t—” Bram paused and looked down into Bijou’s face. “Think I would want to marry again, and I’m not completely sure it’s wise.”

A bark came from Bijou.

“I know, but this young lady is different. I think you would like her. But I will have to be very patient with her. She is not fond of marriage either. I must convince her to want me. I’ve never had to do that with a woman before.”

Bijou barked again.

“I know. Very arrogant of me. But true. You were enticed into my carriage for a chicken leg. I think Miss Richardson will require much more than that. I’m starting with a custard recipe. But don’t be distressed. No one, not even Miss Richardson, can replace you in my heart, Bijou.”

He glanced once more at the packet sitting on his desk, mulling over the wisdom of actions, before turning back to Bijou. “I promise.”