“Do you think I’m an utter fool, Georgina? As much as I don’t care to have a cuckoo in the nest, your child’s birth is fortuitous, as it turns out. Clarissa is a clever thing, though unfortunately, it appears, barren. This little bastard I will claim to be my uncle’s, a child his unfit mother fled to America with and whom I had to rescue. You’ll be dead, so hardly in a position to disagree.”

“Your markers—”

“Are no longer important. You like to gamble, so you’ll appreciate the fact that I hold the trump card, so to speak. The child is Leo Murphy’s. He will doubtless be happy to destroy my markers in return for his child’s safety. His child, whom Clarissa and I will be raising as the next earl. He might even pay me a stipend to ensure the child is well cared for. What doyouthink, Georgina?” He nodded, his black pebble eyes gleaming at her. “It turns out your child will be useful after all. I think we’ll live at Beechwood Court, and Lind will be forced to give me the money he holds for you. That sweet child isyourheir, is he not?”

“No.” She tightened her hold on Daniel who was looking at her with wide, sleepy eyes. “You’re mad, Harold.”

“Madly clever, Clarissa says. She’s the one who figured everything out after Wentworth came to dine. Then you led me on a merry chase, and now here we are. Did you really think I wouldn’t find you?” Harold took a step in her direction.

“He won’t take you,” Georgina whispered to her son. “I won’t let him.” Would Leo even know where to look for her? And Ben? Surely if he’d gotten her note, he’d be here by now.

“You lied to me,” William hissed, stopping Harold from advancing on Georgina.

“I never lied,” Harold snarled. “I told you I was wealthy, and I am. Or at least I will be once she’s gone.” His eyes bored into Georgina. “God, I detest you, Georgina. You refuse to give me everything that is mine. You greedy chit.” Spittle formed at his lips as the walking stick he carried in his other hand came crashing down against the ground. Snow swirled about their heads, the tiny flakes landing on Harold’s nose. It helped distract from the madness in his eyes.

“My lord?” The driver had come down from his box.

“William, are you really going to be a party to this?” Georgina said as calmly as she could to her brother-in-law. “He’sliedto you. He’ll kill me and Lilian. He’ll probably kill you and Mrs. Gibbons.” She turned to the driver. “And you.”

“No, I won’t,” Harold said to the driver. “I need you to drive the carriage.”

“Do you really want to be complicit in the murder of the daughters of Jacob Rutherford?” Georgina said to the driver. “You know who my father is. And Benjamin Cooke is my cousin.”

The driver took a step back, holding up his hands.

Harold roared in rage. “Shut up, Georgina.Just shut up.”

“If you think you can hide in London, William, allow me to dissuade you from the notion. Harold has neglected to inform you that Leo Murphy,the father of my child, isalsothe brother of the Duke of Averell. And they are very close. The duke is a powerful, wealthy man, with equally powerful friends.”

Harold snarled, the pistol wavering. “Give me the child.”

“You lied to me.” William, bless him, came forward, his fists clenched, and Harold turned in his direction.

“Lilian,” Georgina hissed under her breath. “Run inside. Lock the doors.” A red bloom had appeared on her sister’s skirts between her legs. Blood. “Where are the servants?”

“William gave them the day off,” Lilian whispered as her eyes closed and she pulled herself inside. Tears ran down her cheeks. “Run, Georgina. Save him.”

“I won’t leave you.”

“You have to.” Lilian’s voice could barely be heard. “Go to the Griests.” Her sister managed to shut the door.

Georgina glanced in the direction of her sister’s nearest neighbors. The trees, even devoid of most of their leaves, were so thick, she wasn’t sure she’d find her way.

“I always said you Americans were idiots.” Harold took in William who was standing before him. “Fine. I never had any intention of paying you or helping you in England. Imagine. Me. An earl. Escorting about a solicitor and his mistress.” He shook his head. “Clarissa would never allow it. I’m surprised you haven’t figured that out by now.”

Harold raised the pistol and calmly fired, hitting Anna square in the chest. “That’s for not pushing Georgina into the river when you were supposed to.”

The nanny dropped to the ground.

A cry escaped William. “Anna!”

Harold smiled, took aim, and shot William. A look of surprise crossed her brother-in-law’s handsome face as he fell.

Georgina looked away from the bodies of William and Anna, trying not to scream, her gaze fixed on the trees. She didn’t want to leave Lilian, but what choice did she have? Harold was insane. He’d shoot her too.

“Now where do you think you’re going, my good man?” Harold turned his pistol to the driver who was attempting a retreat. “I suppose I can drive myself.”

Georgina took her opportunity while Harold’s attention was fixed elsewhere. Clutching Daniel to her chest, she ran.