Georgina hurried off the ferry, hailing a hack to take her to Lilian’s. Cold seeped into her bones and she pulled her cloak tighter. The chill icing her skin had nothing to do with the weather though the clouds above her looked ominous.

Snow is coming.

The panic over Daniel threatened to swallow her. After William’s visit, she’d immediately sent for a messenger and Stella. Dashing off a note for Leo and a much more urgent one for her cousin, she’d gone straight to the ferry. The entire trip across the East River, she’d stood at the rail, willing the ferry to reach the shore faster.

Climbing into the hack, Georgina wrinkled her nose at the smell of garlic leftover from the last occupant. She gave the driver instructions to Lilian’s home. “Hurry, please. It is a matter of some urgency.”

She fell back against the seat as the hack started forward, cursing William for his abhorrent suggestion earlier today. Did he expect Georgina to calmly sip her tea and agree to give her son away to a set of strangers, no matter how loving? Because flitting about in society was more important to her?

Lilian won’t allow anything to happen to Daniel.

Georgina always knew William would eventually start to grouse about keeping her child no matter what Ben had promised for her brother-in-law’s help. But she’d thought she’d have more time. No matter. She would retrieve her son and return to the city. Leo was coming tonight for dinner. Daniel would be frightened at leaving Lilian, but it couldn’t be helped. Georgina didn’t trust William not to do something stupid.

The hack turned, heading down through the trees in the direction of Lilian’s home, narrowly missing two deer who dashed from the woods and across the road.

Her note to Leo had been brief. She hadn’t known when he’d return home and didn’t want to worry him. The note she’d sent to Ben, hand-delivered by Stella, had been much more urgent.

Fingers clenching in her lap, Georgina watched as the first bits of snow fluttered past the window of the hack. Her sister’s home was remote, at the very end of a long road. The property had once belonged to William’s father and once William and Lilian had wed, her brother-in-law had constructed an immense home for his new bride. Their closest neighbors were nearly a mile away if one cut through the woods and a clearing containing a large pond.

Please let him be all right. And Lilian.

Georgina hoped she was overreacting. She could feel foolish later, she assured herself, once Daniel was ensconced in her parlor, playing with the wooden horse she’d bought for him. She and Leo would be on the floor next to their son.

Her heart felt as if it might burst from her chest.

When the hack finally arrived, Georgina leapt from the carriage, stopping in her tracks when William came out the front door to greet her. He crossed his arms over his chest, watching her approach the house. He was still wearing his suit from earlier today and looked as if he’d only arrived himself.

“Georgina, what are you doing here?”

“I might ask you the same.” He’d lied to her. Deliberately.

“I live here,” he replied calmly. “Lilian is indisposed.” He spun his hand. “You’ll have to return tomorrow.”

“I’m not here to see Lilian. I’ve come for Daniel.” She started up the steps. “After considering our conversation earlier, I think it best he come home with me. I don’t want him to burden you and Lilian any longer.”

William’s stance didn’t change; his eyes moved over her with a curl of his lip. “Is that really what you think is best, Georgina? Because I don’t think it is. You are overwrought.” A chuckle left him. “I’m not even sure you’re fit to raise a child.”

A chill passed over her, like a cold finger trailing up her spine.

The door opened behind William. Lilian appeared, drawn and pale. Purple smudges lingered beneath her eyes. She looked at Georgina in confusion, then back to her husband.

“Georgina, what are you doing here? I thought you were coming tomorrow.”

“A change of plans, Lil. I thought I’d take Daniel with me back to the city tonight. I’ve something to show him.” She smiled brightly.

“But—what will people think?” Her sister absently rubbed the small mound of her stomach.

“I’m not concerned in the least. I’ve worked everything out.”

“But it’s started to snow. You can’t possibly mean for him to be out in this weather. Come inside, Georgina. We’ll have hot chocolate. I’ve developed a craving for it. You can stay the night.”

“Get back in the house, Lilian,” William snapped. “You’re not well. Go back to bed.”

Georgina agreed. Lilian did look ill. Two days ago, her sister had been pale, but nothing like this wraith-like creature. “You can come with us, Lilian,” she smiled. “We’ll go shopping tomorrow. Buy some things for the baby.”

“I don’t think so. Lilian’s place is here,” William said, moving to stand in front of Lilian.