Granby went completely still, nostrils flaring in apparent outrage, like an angry bull about to charge.

She’d unintentionally hit a nerve.Good.

Dressed in all that black, it would be easy for Granby to be mistaken as a bleak mountaintop in some inhospitable place. She could practically see the snowcaps hovering about his shoulders. He was rather intimidating, but unfortunately, her temper had full control of her mouth at the moment. Besides, Granby would hardly assault her with Blythe so close.

“You appear to have more to say,shrub. Don’t let me stop you.”

“Your tailor has measured incorrectly, a situation you should remedyimmediately, Your Grace. I’m not sure whether he is incompetent or merely lacks talent. At the very least, his eyesight should be checked.”

“There’s nothing wrong with my tailor,” the duke said in a chilly tone.

Blythe, no longer able to control himself, turned his back on both of them, his shoulders shaking with mirth.

“I respectfully disagree, Your Grace.”

“There is nothing respectful at all in your tone.” The mountain moved in her direction, a dangerous light flickering in his eyes.

Strangely, Romy felt not an ounce of fear, another failing which her brother Leo at times likened to stupidity. But the skin of her arms and chest prickled in a most curious manner at Granby’s nearness. She sniffed the air.

Granby smelled woodsy, as if he’d been tromping through the wilderness all day. Like an ogre.

“You should find a better tailor.” Romy lifted her chin, daring him to object before taking a step back further beneath the tree. “Your Grace.” She dipped politely once more before turning and striding off in the direction of the small crowd surrounding the refreshment stand set up in the center of the lawn. Lemonade and servants would offer her some protection.

A slight rumble sounded in the distance. Thunder. Or Granby. She wasn’t sure.

Turning her head up toward the sky, Romy was gratified to see a darkening of the clouds just as the first drops of rain hit her arms. She doubted Granby would care enough about her condemnation of the length of his coat to pursue her during a rainstorm.

Hopefully, they would not cross paths again.