“He took advantage of her.”

“I don’t believe that is what happened. Andromeda has been raised to be strong, forthright, and not shy about sharing her opinions. There is no one less likely to be taken advantage of by a gentleman. When two people fall in love, such things happen, which is why I’m puzzled she has refused him.”

Though her daughter’s impassioned speech about the Barringtons had certainly given Amanda much to consider.

“Granby came to Elysium asking for me and left a note, requesting to meet with me in the park.”

Amanda surveyed her stepson’s muddy boots. “And you did.Hetold you he’d ruined her, didn’t he?”

“Yes. There is speculation, of course, about her stealing his affections, but no one has come out and said he ruined her. Except for that bloody big block of ice.”

Amanda’s brows raised. “Block of ice?”

“He has all the warmth of a frozen pond and told me in no uncertain terms he means to marry her. Demanded he do so with all haste. But I’m not inclined to allow him to have her, especially since my sister just referred to herself as a tainted bit of stew.”

“I see.” Granby wanted Andromeda. What had occurred between them to cause such a rift? Knowing her daughter as she did, Amanda knew Andromeda would never have given away her virtue lightly. She loved him. It was painfully clear. “What do you know of Granby?”

“He’s a cold bastard. Just like his father. Terrible scandal when his mother ran away with her lover. Known for his exacting nature and lack of humor. His only redeeming quality, from what I can tell, is his business acumen. He is often in the company of Mr. Estwood, a businessman of some reputation.”

Her thoughts ran back again to Andromeda’s impassioned speech earlier. How the Barringtons existed in a bubble of their own making, oblivious to those who might not esteem them, dukes or not. It made them sound incredibly arrogant. But there was more than a bit of truth to Romy’s words. She and Marcus had known there would be challenges when they married, which is why they’d raised the girls at Cherry Hill, rarely visiting London. It had been a very long time, but she supposed some of the older members of society, those who knew she’d been a lady’s companion, like Lady Dobson or Lord Daring, still lifted their noses at her.

Of course, Lady Dobson was now living in genteel poverty, having had to sell her house in town and leave society. Greedy old bitch. Amanda felt not an ounce of pity for her.

“Did Granby give you the impression he finds us...somehowbeneathhim?”

Tony’s face hardened.

“Don’t get angry, Tony. Winnie has told me the previous Duke of Granby was strident in his views of a person’s origins. It would be nearly impossible for his son to not share such attitudes. And Leoisa bastard.” She squeezed his fingers, thinking how much worse things would become if the knowledge that Amanda herself was the illegitimate daughter of the Earl of Wight leaked out. Being a former lady’s companion was the least of her sins. But everyone who knew the truth was dead.

Except Lord Daring.

Amanda blinked, refusing to give any of her time or thought to her former employer and Olivia’s grandfather. “Granby wants your sister but not the rest of us. I expect your sister objected. She is in love with him—”

“Rotten bastard. I’m not giving Andromeda to him.”

“Tony,” she said gently. “It is not your choice. Not really.”

“I don’t know if I can stomach having him as her husband. Leo will detest him. I won’t force Romy to marry him unless...” His voice trailed off. “Unless she is with child. Even then, I would be more inclined to send her off to the country than marry him. I don’t like Granby. Not a bit. Reminds me of a giant vulture. Whatever could she possibly see in him?”

“Love is rather unexpected, as you well know. But you could try to be kinder to Granby, given the forces that shaped him. After all, the two of you have much in common besides Andromeda.”

Tony snorted. “Hardly. I can’t see that we are anything alike.”

“You both have bastard brothers,” she said as Tony’s eyes widened. “Though I think you like yours a bit more.”