Romy stood before the gown, admiring the work of Madame’s team of seamstresses. The silk alone was stunning, the texture and feel of it like butter between her fingers, but an unusual pattern in gold had been added to the fabric, elevating the gown to something royalty might wear. Romy’s design called for alternating underskirts in pale amber which would flash and sparkle when the wearer walked across a ballroom. The neckline would skim the shoulders, the bodice smooth and flat with tight puffed sleeves. An ambitious design. One of her best.

Madame Dupree continued. “Adding the underskirts in various shades of gold was true inspiration. I am jealous I did not think of it myself. You have an eye for such things.”

Romy gently brushed her fingertip along the hem, relieved to see the stitches were tiny and placed perfectly. “You taught me well.”

“My lady, you have far surpassed my talent. It is I who now learn from you.”

What would Romy have done without Madame Dupree? The modiste had given Romy the only means to do what she loved most. She had also become a dear friend.

“I have created clips to adorn the hair of the young lady who wears this,” Romy said over her shoulder as she admired the tiny pleats along the neckline. “Suns.” It had taken her weeks to get the clips correct. She’d spent hours with bits of metal and wire strewn around her, a pair of tiny pliers clutched in one hand.

Madame clapped her hands. “Stunning. No other adornment will be needed. Our client is a difficult young lady, but I think this gown will please her. That and the proposal she expects to receive while wearing it.”

Before Romy could question the young lady’s identity, the modiste opened the armoire and pulled out a day dress the color of mud spotted with white. Upon closer inspection, the small dots appeared to be flowers. Daisies, maybe? The dress buttoned all the way up to the wearers neck, ending with an extravagant ruffle of cream lace.

Madame took note of the frown on Romy’s face. “I’m sorry, my lady. Truly. It isawful. But this dress is all I have. Everything else is in various stages of being pieced together. You will only have it on a short time to finish with Miss Waterstone and then a brief walk to your carriage, yes? A shawl, perhaps, to cover the worst?”

“I doubt anyone will notice,” Romy assured the modiste. “It is far too late in the day for the shop to become busy again. I’ll change and finish with Miss Waterstone.” Madame opened her mouth, likely to offer her own help so that Romy could leave, but Romy held up one hand. “I’d like to finish helping her. I think she is in need of a friend.”

“At least she did not bring in her chaperone today.” Madame made atsksound. “A sour woman. I believe she was persuaded to wait in the carriage.”

“Miss Waterstone is eager to make an impression at a house party she’ll be attending. I’ll do anything I can to help her. I’ve not met her chaperone, but I have met her father, Mr. Waterstone.”

Madame Dupree clucked her tongue. “A most unpleasant gentleman. I cringe when I must send him a bill, especially since he balks at the cost of clothing only where his daughter is concerned.”

“Who else would he buy gowns for?” Romy cast a suspicious glance at Madame Dupree. “Do not tell me he has a mistress?”

“My lady, you should not know about such things.”

“Have you forgotten my brothers own Elysium? I know much more than I should, I expect.” Tony and Leo were rarely discreet when discussing their business dealings. She’d heard far more than was proper. The curse words alone would send most young women to bed for a week. She’d employed several of those foul words herself on occasion, but silently, only thinking them.

The modiste gave a soft chuckle as she finished buttoning Romy inside the dress. “I apologize again, my lady. I owe you a new gown. I have something lovely which just arrived. Cerulean blue, with a pattern of butterflies printed on it.Magnifique.Especially with your eyes. I shall save it for you and no one else.”

Romy glanced down at the mud-colored dress sagging around her slender form. Lady Van de Burgh’s elderly aunt must have had a buxom figure. “I will accept your apology. And you say it has butterflies?” She made her way out of the room, praying the main room was clear except for Miss Waterstone.

“When you return, I will show it to you. And there is also something I’d like to discuss with you, my lady. A way for us to expand our partnership, if you desire to do so.”

Romy stopped in the hall leading back to the front room, a tingle of excitement running through her. Could it be possible that Madame Dupree had finally decided she and Romy could be true business partners? She knew the modiste was considering expansion. Romy’s father had been generous with her pin money, and she had saved all the coin she earned in commissions from Madame. More than enough to purchase half of the modiste’s shop and pay for an expansion. “I look forward to our discussion. I’ll finish with Miss Waterstone and take my leave.”

“Steer the poor girl away from the striped silk. Her father would never allow her to choose fabric so costly. He is miserly, that one.” She lowered her voice and winked. “Except for the opera singer.”

Romy waved at the modiste and walked back into the front room which was blessedly free of patrons except for Miss Waterstone who was still studying the velvets. She needed to return home lest her mother worry. Bad enough Romy had lied and made up a list of charities which didn’t exist. Mama was not exactly herself these days, but she wasn’t stupid.

Resigned to further subterfuge, she pasted a smile on her face and made her way to Miss Waterstone. While she was grateful for all the advantages she’d been given in life, it was difficult to be a duke’s daughter with the soul of a modiste.

“Miss Waterstone,” Romy gently touched her arm, “you will melt in such a thing at your house party. No velvet.”

Miss Waterstone’s eyes widened as she took in Romy’s dress. “It is more dreadful than I imagined.”

“I quite agree,” Romy said with a small laugh. “It is reminiscent of a poorly made set of curtains. Now let us look at the floral design on this pale blue silk.” Romy steered her away from the velvets. “I can just see you wearing this with flowers in your hair. Look, the center of the flowers is the same color as your eyes.”

“Are you certain?” Miss Waterstone smiled as her fingers slid over the fabric.


One of Madame’s assistants came forward at a discreet nod of Romy’s chin. The assistant assured Miss Waterstone the modiste would have a design for the silk ready for her to review by next week. While most of the ladies frequenting Madame Dupree’s hadn’t become suspicious of her presence, the modiste’s assistants certainly knew of Romy’s involvement. Or at the least, they had guessed. She made a mental note to speak to Madame Dupree about the continued discretion of her assistants.

Once the door shut behind Miss Waterstone, Romy ducked behind the counter to grab her shawl. The shop was otherwise empty, quiet save for the bustle of Madame and her assistants echoing faintly from behind a large curtain. Hopefully, her shawl would cover some of the hideous dress as she made her way out to her waiting carriage.