Daviddetestedballs. He always had. This one, in particular, was troublesome.

Every guest floating about beneath the muted lights in his ballroom was here for one reason only; to watch him secure a match with Lady Beatrice Howard. Foxwood, far more animated than usual, spoke to Waterstone while enjoying some expensive wine David’s aunt had ordered for the occasion. He was practically salivating over having secured a duke for his daughter. Giddy, even.

Only a weak man allows his cock to dictate his decisions.

David took a large swig of his scotch, swirling the liquid around in his mouth before swallowing. He was either slightly foxed or going mad, for he could hear his father’s caustic pronouncements quite clearly in his mind, demanding David follow in Horace’s rigid footsteps only to be rewarded with scraps of approval.

Every rebellion punished more severely than the last.

His gaze wandered to where Andromeda danced with Haven, and he studied the placement of his friend’s hands to ensure they didn’t stray over her body. The control he took such pride in was no match for the scotch or the possessiveness he had for the gorgeous girl with butterflies in her hair.

Foxwood was looking in David’s direction, waiting for some sign an announcement was about to be made. Even Aunt Pen watched him in expectation.

Beatrice stood at her mother’s side, beautiful and perfect, waiting for the cue to join him.

The musicians struck up a merry tune, and several couples took to the dance floor, swirling in front of David until the colors of the lady’s gowns made him dizzy. Or it could have been the scotch. He held up his glass. Empty. But he had an excellent bottle in his study.

Rebelling against Horace was difficult. But not impossible.