Granby gave a sharp, ragged breath, the wall of ice around him shattering enough to leave small fissures for Romy to crawl through.

His palm brushed against one breast with a groan, cupping the underside, squeezing gently until her nipple peaked.

“Christ. You aren’t wearing a corset.” He pulled away from her lips.

“No, I—” Romy almost told him she’d designed several day dresses specifically so she wouldn’thaveto be constrained by a corset. It was difficult to walk or try to picnic in one, let alone lay in the grass to be kissed by a large male. “You see—”

“I don’t care.” His mouth fell on hers, ferocious and urgent, cutting off the rest of her explanation.

Romy was falling, surrendering to the intoxication of Granby. His mouth ravaged hers, exploring her with his lips and tongue while the low hum between her thighs spread across her entire body. She could even feel it in the tips of her toes. All Romy wanted was to be closer to him, her hips tilting upward, offering herself to Granby.

His hand left her breast, moving with purpose down her skirts, tracing the outline of her legs beneath the layers of fabric. When his hand reached her ankle, his fingers tightened.

The pulsing of her body robbed every other coherent thought from her mind, including the fact that the remainder of the house party was roaming about a stone circle some distance away. She struggled to press her lower body closer to his, desperate to ease the growing ache inside her.

Granby threw a leg over her, stilling her movements. “No,” he whispered.

The hand climbed up inside her skirts.

“Granby.” Her breath hitched as the warmth of his fingers touched her knee. “You’ve avoided me for days.” Her head fell back with a sigh at the gentle caress her thigh received. “Don’t you think—”

He ignored her, his mouth catching hers once more while his hand continued its journey, pausing to stroke the skin of her inner thigh. He paused there, waiting.

Romy’s legs fell apart, permission for him to go further, gasping as the tip of his forefinger trailed along the opening of her underthings. Moisture spilled, encouraged by his touch, welcoming his exploration of her flesh. A voice at the back of her mind screamed that anyone could come upon them. She’d be ruined or worse.

A moan left her as his finger dragged along her slit, sliding through her now wet flesh.

“Someday,” he murmured against her lips, “I’ll kiss you here.” His finger teased at the small bit of flesh which ached for him.

The very thought of him doing such a thing sent another rush of moisture between her thighs. Romy twisted, forcing herself more fully against his questing fingers as Granby gently teased at her flesh, sinking two fingers deep inside her. His thumb brushed softly back and forth, the fingers thrusting inside her until she lay panting beneath him.

He tore his lips from hers, cupping the side of her cheek, dark eyes burning against her skin. His thumb pressed down, breaking a damn of sensation free inside her.

Romy arched back, a cry leaving her mouth before Granby’s lips met hers again to swallow the sound. She was floating in a cloud of bliss inspired by clever fingers and the yearning of her own heart.

Granby pressed a kiss to her temple. “Beautiful, beautiful.”

“Your absence has been noticed.” The words floated across the grass, wiping away in an instant the last of the pleasure trembling from her body.

Granby’s fingers stilled, his breath coming in short bursts.

“You wandered off to enjoy a cheroot some time ago. I joined you over the hill by a strand of trees. You didn’t wish to offend the ladies,” Haven said before moving off.

Granby abruptly pulled his hand from beneath her skirts and rolled away, a thick sheaf of ebony hair falling over his eyes.

Another tremor shook her, the shock at being discovered by Haven overriding the intimacy she’d just shared with Granby. What had possessed her to allow such a thing?

I think I might be in—Romy refused to finish the thought.

“This must cease,” he stated calmly, as if they’d only been sitting together discussing the weather.

She was still on her back, tugging her skirts down. “Because of Beatrice?”

“No. Because ofyou.” He shook his head. “You are everything Ido notwant.”

Romy flinched, letting the pain of his words settle deep in her chest. “I see.” She sat up, miserable and sick to the very core of her being. “Why?” They were fortunate it had been Haven who’d come across them and not someone else.

“I have taken care of Silas. He has a lovely cottage near his daughter and a fortune to spend.”