“I do. My father didn’t subscribe to the notion that children of dukes should be raised by nannies and governesses, at least once he married my mother. He taught me to play bowls.” She waved at the green where Carstairs, Theo, Estwood, and Mildred were competing against Beatrice, Granby, Blythe and Meredith. “Among a great many other things.”

He told me I should find a way to practice my art. And I have.

Lucy was silent, the only sound the gentle rustle of her skirts. She hugged Romy to her. “You are fortunate, Romy, to have had a father who cared so much for you.”

Romy knew Lucy’s father was often unkind to her, even ridiculing her in front of others. She vowed to help her new friend navigate London and perhaps assist her in finding the sort of gentleman who would appreciate her gentle soul.

“Think how pleased your father will be that you’ve garnered the friendship of a duke’s daughter.”

“Pleased?” An odd look flitted across Lucy’s face. “Yes, I’m certain of it.” Her eyes found Estwood again. “Lady Molsin tells me most of the duke’s neighbors have been invited for the dance at the end of the week. No one eligibleandtitled, unfortunately, which is bound to make my father unhappy, but she’s assured me several nice gentlemen will be in attendance.”

“There’s always Haven. He’s a marquess.”

Lucy shook her head. “My father doesn’t approve of him, title or not.”

Romy leaned in. “Do not allow your father to dictate your future, Lucy. Neither who you are nor who you wish to be. Your life and choices are your own.” Theo claimed this to be one of Romy’s best and worst qualities, the way she interfered at times when she shouldn’t. But Lucy didn’t deserve to be browbeaten by her father.

“The duke watches you, Romy.” Lucy looked over Romy’s shoulder.

“He dislikes me.” Romy shrugged as if it were of no consequence, all the while feeling the press of his eyes against her skin.

Lucy gave her a sideways glance. “His disdain is quite apparent.”

“He may even ask us to leave. Theo and I weren’t actually invited.”

“Oh, dear.” Lucy looked up at her, eyes innocent. “That would be unfortunate.”