“Ican’t possibly attend.”

Romy paced back and forth, feet dragging against the rug. “Beatrice and I don’t get on. If you will recall, I threatened her at Mama’s ball.”

“When Tony compromised Maggie? Oh, yes, I remember very well. Didn’t you suggest you’d have her tossed out by one of our footmen?”

Romy frowned at her sister. “I did. Her and Rebecca Turnbull.”

“Lady Carstairs,” Theo interjected.

“That she is now married to Carstairs isn’t important. What is crucial for you to understand is that my presence at the house party will give Beatrice fits. She and Rebecca might well have me removed. Think of Cousin Winnie’s embarrassment, if nothing else.”

“Lady Molsin is hosting the house party, not Beatrice or her parents. The Foxwoods can’t have you thrown out.”

Romy stopped pacing. “That isn’t exactly the point, Theo. I shouldn’t go.”

“Do you not have any feeling for our poor cousin Rosalind? Shereallyneeds us there. Cousin Winnie is busy tossing her at Lord Torrington. Who else shall stand beside and protect her? And Miss Waterstone is attending. How often have you told me you should like to be her friend because she has so few?”

It was true. Romy had a soft spot for Miss Waterstone and, indeed, anyone who needed a champion.

“I’m sure her father is forcing her to attend. Poor dear.” A concerned look crossed Theo’s face. “She’s lovely. It isn’t her fault she has a small lisp. I can’t imagine you’d leave Miss Waterstone to fend for herself.”

Theo knew very well Romy wouldn’t, which had surely been Theo’s point in mentioning her. And Romywouldlike to see Miss Waterstone in the gorgeous gown she’d designed for her. “Granby and I don’t get on,” she muttered.

“Granby?” Theo fluffed the coverlet on Romy’s bed before she sat, her eyes following as Romy resumed her agitated steps across the rug. “I didn’t realize you were acquainted with the duke.”

“I am. It is an acquaintance I don’t care to further. He ismostunpleasant.”

“So is Beatrice. But it doesn’t signify. Wemustgo. I can’t go without you.”

“Why not? As you’ve pointed out, Rosalind will be there with Cousin Winnie.”

“I couldn’t possibly manage to guide Rosalind on my own. What’s more, I can’t depend on Rosalind to guideme,” Theo said in a quiet voice.

“Guide you?” If Romy didn’t stop pacing soon, a path might be forged in the rug.

“On Blythe.” Her sister’s eyes flashed behind the glass of her spectacles, one finger drawing circles on Romy’s coverlet.

Romy halted, coming to stand before her sister. “This isallbecause of Blythe? You have seen him exactly one time, riding in Hyde Park over a year ago.”

Theo looked away. “My observation of him has been much more recent.”

“You havejustcome out, Theo. Barely. How in the world would you have become acquainted with him? We’ve only attended a handful of events, and I don’t recall him being at any of them.”

“We met briefly as I walked with Phaedra and Olivia.” She shrugged, pulling on a loose thread. “In the park, on the path by the river.”

“Do not destroy my quilt, Theo. Explain yourself.”

“Fine. It was not a proper introduction. He was flying a kite.” Her face took on a dreamy look. “Shaped like a large fish. A trout, possibly.”

Romy rolled her eyes and asked for patience. “I don’t care what his kite looked like.”

“The string became horribly tangled in my skirts, so much so I was forced to seek assistance from Blythe.”

“Did you intentionally trap yourself in his kite string?” When Theo didn’t answer immediately, Romy prompted her. “Theo.”

Two spots of pink appeared on her sister’s cheeks. “Possibly.”