Struggling not to choke on her lamb, Romy whispered to Theo, “I don’t wish to go.”

Romy had assumed her sister had gotten over her girlish adoration of the Earl of Blythe. Apparently not. And something had happened in the park which she wasn’t aware of.

“Wonderful.” Cousin Winnie clapped her hands again. “I shall inform Lady Molsin, who will be thrilled, I’m sure. We’ll have such fun. There’s even to be a ball the final night. Lots of dancing with dashing,eligiblegentlemen. Even Lord Torrington will be in attendance.” She cast a meaningful glance at her daughter.

Rosalind rolled her eyes while stabbing at the peas on her plate. “He’s much too old for me.”

“Distinguished, darling.” Cousin Winnie’s smile tightened. “And an earl. Perhaps more than one announcement will be made.”

Poor Rosalind. It appeared Cousin Winnie had already decided on a match for her.

“And I’m certain the dance is only an excuse to make an official announcement of the duke’s impending marriage. He’s taken Lady Beatrice for a ride in Hyde Park, and he escorted her and her mother, Lady Foxwood, while shopping several weeks ago. Both are sure signs an announcement is forthcoming.”

“The duke?” Romy said carefully, dread mixing with the lamb to form a ball in her stomach.

“Well, yes. Haven’t you been listening?” Cousin Winnie appeared confused. “I’m sure I mentioned it. The Duke of Granby. Lady Molsin is his aunt. He’s been seen in the company of Lady Beatrice Howard, so I’m certain an announcement will be made soon. Very likely at the house party. Isn’t it exciting?”

The ball in Romy’s stomach hardened to stone, and she put down her fork.

“Granby?” Mama’s brow wrinkled.

“Yes.ThatGranby.” Cousin Winnie nodded while her eyes floated over Romy, her sisters, and Rosalind. “The son of that mostunfortunateunion.”

Mama nodded in understanding.

Unfortunate union? Whatever was Cousin Winnie talking about?

She waited patiently for Cousin Winnie to return to her discussion about Granby, but the older woman moved on to a different topic. A discussion of Lord Berton’s new wife and her poor fashion choices.

Theo was beaming next to her, obviously thrilled by the idea of being in Blythe’s presence for the duration of a week-long house party. Phaedra pouted, surely disappointed she wasn’t going. Olivia, as usual, appeared calm, spearing her peas and asking Rosalind if she’d like to go to Gunter’s the following day for a lemon ice.

Placing her fork down, Romy found her appetite for lamb, formerly one of her favorite dishes, had dramatically faded. She could not attend a house party where she’d be placed in close proximity with the Duke of Granby.

The problem remaining was how to broach the subject with Theo.