“Oh, miss. If your aunt finds you gone…”

Margaret gave an exasperated sigh and placed a hand on her slender hips. “She won’t find me gone unless youtellher, Eliza.”

“What ifsomethinghappens?”

“Nothing is going to happen.” Margaret was not about to be deterred. Today was very important. Much more important than whatever punishment Aunt Agnes would mete out if she found her gone. “She won’t even know I’m not here. All you need to do is lock the door behind me.” She tied the bonnet snugly beneath her chin.

“Miss, what if Lord Winthrop calls?”

Margaret hesitated. “He won’t.” Winthrop had called the day after her aunt’s ball to take her for a ride in the park. The entire experience had been awkward. Uncomfortable.Intolerable.He’d returned just yesterday to repeat the horror by taking tea with her and Aunt Agnes. If anything, the two instances had solidified Margaret’s determinationnotto allow herself to be married to Winthrop.

“Eliza, I am leaving. Lord Winthrop has already paid two calls on me this week. He won’t do so again. Ifanyoneknocks, which they won’t,” she assured her maid, “remind them I’ve a terrible headache today. You already made such known when you brought up my breakfast tray, didn’t you?”

The maid nodded.

“Then no one will disturb me. I’ll be back for tea. Possibly. I’m not certain.” Margaret shrugged and walked to the door. “Lock this behind me,” she instructed the maid again.

The maid nodded. “Yes, miss.”

Margaret slipped out into the hall and made her way downstairs and through the kitchen, avoiding anyone who might remark on her appearance, especially her aunt’s lady’s maid, Oakes. Carefully, she made her way up the stairs of the servants’ entrance and into the early afternoon.

Aunt Agnes wouldn’t ask after her, no matter Eliza’s fears. Margaret’s request for breakfast in her room signaled to the staff that she was suffering from one of her headaches, an affliction she’d convinced her aunt she suffered from over the last two years. Then she’d instructed Eliza to mention her headache to Cook while bringing Margaret teaandinform Oakes that Margaret was ailing. Aunt Agnes would be gone most of the day paying calls and was likely relieved she wouldn’t have to drag Margaret with her. No one would miss her.

Margaret smiled as she made her way around the corner to the mews. She meant to take the alley down to the next street and hail a hack. She quickened her steps in anticipation of the day’s events. It wouldn’t do for her to be late.