It was these that he was attaching to one wrist and then the other.

“What are–” I began, but he made a sound like an angry snake and cut me off.

“I need to make sure you have been taken care of, and most importantly. I need to wash all… this,” he sneered as he wiped his finger through a patch of still wet cum. “Off.”

He looked at me with that same sneer before he pushed a button on the side of the metal structure and the straps retracted like a zipper. I shrieked as my feet left the ground, the straps pulling me into the air and leaving my legs dangling.

“I’m not going to let him take you, oh no,” Calvin continued, clearly talking to himself as he began to attach more straps to my ankles.

Another button and the straps retracted, spreading my legs and sending whatever dripping wonderment was still inside of me falling to the floor.

“Oh no, this won’t do. We must clean all of this…” He wasn’t looking at me at all anymore, well he was, but not at me. Not at my face, and not at my eyes. He was looking everywhere else as he licked his lips. I was surprised it wasn’t forked.

“You can’t. Alan said-”

“Alan?” Calvin snapped, finally looking at me. I was suddenly wishing he would go back to staring at my cooch. “You do not call him Alan. This has already gone on too far!”

He roared the last few words as he stomped away, grabbing the side of the frame and rolling me further into the room, right into the bathroom.

My body swayed, my wrists aching as the thick leather cut into my skin. Each bump of the tile in the bathroom added to the pain.

“What has already gone too far? What is wrong? What are you talking about?” I was asking questions to a wall. He was back to not looking at me.

He was back to staring at my body like it was property as he circled to the shower, and the extendable shower head.

He didn’t even give me warning before he began to blast me with cold water.

The stinging jets assaulted me, the pounded against my flesh, the already tender bits of me screaming as he washed me. As he cleaned the cum from me.

I wanted to scream, to fight, to curse, to tell him to turn the damn water temperature up; but Logan had trained me better than that. Even with Calvin, who I was quickly beginning to despise more than I had before… I would behave.

“Damn Denon thinking he could get away with this. Thinking he could mark you, claim you,” Calvin began to mumble after a moment, his focus on my mostly clean body.

I bit my tongue, as much as I wanted to ask for more information I had a feeling that I would just shut him up.

“He doesn’t get you. I thought it would be safe. Would be quick. But he is making it hard,” he continued, spraying the water between my legs like it was a very friendly bidet.

That time I almost called out, but I bit down on my tongue locking everything inside as the last of what Alan had covered me with was wiped away.

“No one gets you,” Calvin snarled as the water turned off. “No one but me. I have plans for what we will be together. I’ve already eliminated one obstacle and I will eliminate any more.”

He finally looked at me as he walked back over to me. That greedy expression was back, but this time I finally understood what it was.

What he wanted.

What he had done.

“No.” The word was more of a gasp. In fact, I wasn’t even sure I had spoken it with how tight my chest was.

“You’re mine. Elney. I have big plans for you.”

I had big plans for him, too.

But first, I needed to find Logan, and I needed to get out of here.