“Azil, we have to go,” Xagon warned.

I sat there speechless, terrified to be in Azil’s presence. I had never seen him behave in this manner. He was always so calm and collected. I didn’t understand why he needed to know so badly. Why was he obsessed over knowing if I was Lilith or not?

Did he really take Drayven that seriously?

Xagon pulled me up from the chair and dragged me out of the hut. I looked behind me to see if Azil was following, but he was still in the hut.

I stopped as I saw the original Siren ship that attacked us the first time, anchored by the city. There were screams surrounding us, and creatures running all over the place. I couldn’t determine if the Sirens were there for us, or just attacking the city in general.

“We can’t leave Azil behind.”

“He won’t leave without an answer, and I need to get you back to safety.”

He was holding my hand and I pulled back on it, letting go. He turned to me.

“Why? Why do you have to keep me safe? I’m not her, Xagon. I’m also not your problem.”

“I’ve saved you multiple times on the ship, Flipp. Don’t act like I have some new agenda.”

“After what I just saw in the hut, I guarantee that you both have an agenda.”

“I’m not arguing with you right now, Flipp. We have to get out of here, or neither of us are making it back to the boat.”

We started running towards the city and I looked back to see Azil running through the trees behind us with madness in his eyes. I shivered.