“Well, let me offer you a gift of congratulations then. Flipp, get the package in my satchel and give it to these very lucky gentlemen.”

I paused briefly, confused. The boss was not the type of monster to hand out gifts, especially after he lost something he really wanted. He as the vengeful type, and I was starting to get nervous.

I walked over to his horse and opened up the satchel that was draped over its side. There was a box inside, and I lifted it out. The box was packaged beautifully with ribbon and lace, which confused me even more. I had no idea what was inside the box, but it was heavy. I didn’t even know why I was there, or why I couldn’t just stay at the warehouse and wait for him. He didn’t need me at all, and he could have given the gift himself. The whole process had been a huge waste of my time. I knew he was going to blame me for the fact he didn’t get any spells out of the trip.

The boss was now walking away from the men with a smirk on his face. He moved like molasses down the walkway, slow and steady. “Move it,” he hissed at me.

Startled, I started to trot over to the men, and I tripped on a rock in the path. The box lifted from my hands and hurled towards the boss. His eyes widened as the box flew in the air towards him. All I could do was pray to the Gods that whatever was in the box wasn’t breakable. It hit the ground and flipped over a few times before landing at the boss’s feet. His mouth dropped open as he looked down at the box. I went to retrieve it, but before I could, it exploded.

I was sent flying backwards by a burst of hot air, and slammed into one of the island horses. The horse went running away into the distance as I tried to move. Every muscle in my body was screaming in pain. What the hell was that? Coughing, I rolled over, feeling like I pulled something. There was screaming all around me, and I heard someone say, “She killed him.”

Killed who?

I got up and started dusting myself off. I looked up to see the boss’s guards coming towards me. I looked for my boss, and there were only lumps of flesh where he once was. A bomb. The package had contained a bomb. He had planned on blowing up the guards at the House of Lace, and I managed to botch the whole thing. Why didn’t he warn me of his plans? It’s not like I would have been opposed to blowing some guards up.

I looked to the guards. “Wait, I didn’t know. I didn’t mean it.”

Elites were coming out of the House of Lace now, looking around to see what the commotion was about. They weren’t used to blood and guts spread all over the property, so most of them fled back inside with their hands over their mouths. These were the people that ran the whole establishment, and they didn’t tend to like bombs going off on their doorstep.

“Get her,” one of the Elites said, as he pointed at me.

The boss’s guards were already one step ahead, and one reached out, trying to grab me. I turned and launched myself on an island horse, digging my heels into the horse’s side. It immediately went into a run, and we were off. It felt even more unstable at a full run, but my options were limited at that point. I knew that I had to get out of there. I was nobody to the mob bosses, and they would not take kindly to me killing one of their own. They would not even listen to a thing I had to say. In a single moment, I had managed to change the whole establishment, and I would pay dearly for it.

The guards were right behind me, on the remaining island horse. Thankfully, the other had got away, so they weren’t able to use it. However, they would be upon me in moments. I half turned on the horse and stuck my left arm straight out. I concentrated on the guards, and my eyes turned crimson red. From the tips of my fingers shot out lines of fire, which slammed against the chest of one of the guards. He screamed and fell off the horse backwards. The horse wobbled from the impact of the fire lines, and hit one of the guards from the palace with a horse of his own. The guard fell to the ground hard, and rolled through the dust.

I turned back around and dug my heels in the horse’s side again, making it go faster. I knew I had just got away by the skin of my teeth, and it wouldn’t be long before I was overcome by guards again. I could not stay on The Demon Isle. I needed to get off the island as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, I had no friends that could help me. A sinking feeling came over me when I realized that I did know someone with the ability to get me off the island.