“I’m looking for someone in charge.”

He smirked. “We’re busy. Go find a playground to play in.”

A fire was awakened in me as anger surged.

“Xagon, let’s go!”

I saw another Siren calling out to the man in front of me. He winked at me and turned around. I wanted to send fire through his bones, just to wipe the smile off his face. Sirens had a habit of walking around like their shit didn’t stink. I felt like he was looking down at me, thinking that I was nothing more than just a lowly monster. Of course, it didn’t stop them from wanting to fuck us all the time; they had absolutely no problem with that.

I backed off and moved towards a bunch of crates on the dock. I slipped behind them and moved just close enough to still see the Sirens. They were offloading a large box, and I watched as they brought the box off the boat. It got loaded on a trailer that's being led by humongous wildebeests. I watched as it pulled away and I continued to watch until it turned a corner in another direction. I left the crates and jogged in the direction of the trailers. I kept my distance as much as possible, so I wouldn’t be seen. I needed to find out for myself about the Witch’s spells, and I knew I would find what I wanted sooner or later.

They were pulling up to a warehouse, one that I had thought was abandoned. I crept up as much as possible without being seen.

A voice caught my attention. I moved along a chain link fence so that I could get close to the warehouse and see where the voice was coming from. Workers were going in and out of the warehouse; it was a busy place. I couldn’t understand why I thought it had been abandoned that whole time.

I saw a couple of workers speaking together, and I gasped. They were looking in a large crate that clearly had Witch’s spells in it. It was true, there were spells on the island.

The two workers stopped talking, and one disappeared back into the warehouse. I couldn’t see where the Sirens had gone, but I assumed they were now inside.

One worker was standing there, watching the spells being taken away.


I moved into the open, and the worker turned around and saw me. I pulled out a couple of coins and held them out to him. His brow furrowed, but he came over to see what I wanted.

“Tell me about the spells.”

He greedily took the coins and shoved them in his pocket.

“There is an auction happening at the House of Lace.”

My eyebrows raised. “What else?”

“Rumor has it someone might crash it.”

“With the spells?”

“Yes,” he said as his eyes darted around. He was starting to get nervous.

“Thank you.”

I looked around to see if I could see the Sirens again. Unfortunately, I couldn’t see anything, and it was time to leave.

I slinked away from the warehouse without being seen by anyone else. I had to go and see my boss, and I was excited that I had some news for him. He would appreciate my initiative, and I was hoping I would get a bonus for the information. I rarely looked forward to seeing the creepy monster, but it might just change my life this time.