He was reassessing me again and I needed to be careful. I didn’t want him to go back on the attack.

“Lilith, you have been reborn, more beautiful than ever. You don’t belong here. You need to come with me. I will take you home, so that you can get back to ruling the Underworld. We have been lost without you.”

There was no way out of this. I was going to have to go with him, at least temporarily, until I could escape. I looked around again for Xagon and Azil. My heart filled with disappointment. I needed their help, and they were nowhere to be found. I, once again, could not depend on them. I would need to figure out how to get away from the Denon myself, because going back to Demon Isle would be a death sentence.

“I will go with you, but only if I can take my Hirpy army with me.”

He blinked and only nodded. “Where are they?”

I turned to find the Captain gaping at me. That was not what the Queen agreed upon and I knew it. She would be furious to find out that the purchase that she had made was going to be sailing out of there.

“I can’t give you the Hirpy’s, Flipp. I think you know that.”

“Unless you want this Denon to start raging again, you’ll do exactly what I want.”

The Denon moved towards the Captain. “Where are they? Release them immediately, or I will go in there and release them myself.” He pointed his hand at the Captain, threatening to shoot ice at him. The Captain raised his hands in surrender.

“Alright, you will need to give me some time. I will have guards bring them down.”

“They aren’t in any shape to walk, so you will also provide us with a wagon to transport them to the Denon’s ship.”

The Captain’s face turned red and I could tell he wanted to curse me.

“It’s your own fault for treating them so poorly.”

“They are slaves. How else would you like me to treat them?”

The Denon growled. “Don’t speak to the Queen in that tone.”His eyes flickered to the Denon and he thought better of it. He hissed at me. “You’re not fooling anyone. You’re not the Queen.”I pursed my lips and shrugged.

He turned and barked orders to one of his guards.

“Bring down all the Hirpy’s in the cell, and then bring around a wagon for them to take.”

He turned back to me. “Let’s hope that you don’t live to regret this moment.”

I didn’t respond, but I also had the same hope.