
"Logan?" The word actually hurt to say. But not as much as seeing him. Not as much as seeing the metal band buzzing on his wrist, the electronic collar putting him under Calvin's control. What hurt the most, however, was that he didn't even look at me.

Logan looked at the wall, his focus unwavering even as Alan gave one last protest against leaving. Logan looked at the wall as Alan stood, as Logan escorted him out, the door sliding shut behind them. Then he was gone. They were both gone.

I was alone.

Well, not alone.

I had been so focused on the fact that Logan was there, that he still existed that I hadn't been aware of what else was happening. And who I had been left with.

"Hello, Elney."

Ice rattled through me at the way he said my name. All of the electric currents that Alan had sent through me falling to nothing as I turned to face the slimy man at the foot of my bed, his hand extended to me.

"Come, darling," he whispered, his fingers pulling me forward.

I didn't move and he wasn't amused.

"Now, now, Elney. I know that Logan taught you better than that." Hearing his name pulled me out of the stupor I was in and I jerked, my scowl furrowing as I stared down the prude of a man.

"What did you do to him?" I snapped in question, Calvin's face instantly falling.

"Logan? I gave him punishment sufficient to his sins."

"Sins? What sins?" I asked, but Calvin continued speaking as though I hadn't said anything.

"Now, he will be forced to watch you. Forced to protect you, and never have you. And to think he thought he could sneak you out of here." Calvin tsk’d as though he had revealed some ultimate sin. Maybe to him he had.

I, however, was frozen in place, the last of those sparks of electricity falling to nothing as what Calvin said hit home.

"Sneak... me..." It sounded as though I had forgotten how to speak English. Everything was broken as it poured from me, my tongue suddenly feeling far too large.

"Yes," he stretched the word out like the snake he was. "He had gotten it in his head that he was somehow going to sneak you out. You. The most treasured possession of our kind. There is no way I am going to let you out of my site. No matter how much other people, or

"Yours? You're..."

"Come Elney. Let's see just how well you have fared after a night with a Denon." He cut me off.

I could have said nothing, and he would have reacted the same. Something in him had switched the second the door to the elevator has slid shut.

He wasn’t seeing me anymore. He was seeing property. An object.



He was looking at me like he was food.

Just as before, Calvin’s eyes gazing over me felt like I was being coated with slime.

“Come Elney,” he said again, his tone slithering over my skin as I stepped forward. I didn’t want to, but I also knew I didn’t have another choice.

The floor felt cold under my feet, the air like ice on my skin as I stepped right up to him and that foul grin.

His eyes didn’t leave mine as he stepped right to me, the air somehow growing colder as though he was sucking the last of the warmth from everything.

“Here, Elney.” He pulled one of the straps from the weird metal structure. They were six of them, black leather and ominous looking, buckles and hooks that I hadn’t noticed before were at the end of each one.