
Tears were rolling down my cheeks as I laid on the cot with my arms hanging over the side. As the hours passed, I felt like I was falling into a depression. How did people spend long sentences in jail? I knew what I was going to do when I saw the Queen. I was going to ask her to terminate me. I just couldn’t do it. Lay there, waiting for each day to end, only to have the same day repeat over again. My biggest excitement was waiting for a meal, or a guard to tell me that I had a fine ass. The guard that was built like a truck never returned. I suppose he learned his lesson. Kalin had been by a few times to remind me that he could rape me anytime that he wanted to, but I didn’t believe he had the guts to come into the cell for fear I would curse him. He always kept a healthy distance from the bars. I couldn’t help but smile at how terrified of me they were, just over the idea that I had a magic pussy. Sometimes males were so easily manipulated. I would have killed them both, if I had the chance, but they were smart enough to not come into the cage. What a shame. The whole situation was enough to drive a poor girl mad.

I ran from Demon Isle to make a better life for myself, to save my life, and get out of the work I was doing. That day had gone so wrong, and it was all because I told my boss there were Witches spells on the island. I wondered how different my life would be if Jakob never told me about the spells, and we hadn't gone to the House of Lace. My boss wouldn’t have been blown up by a random bomb in a box, and I would probably still be doing his dirty work. It wasn’t the life I wanted, but it was the life I chose, and it sure beat being in prison.

I was no better off now than I was on Demon Isle, and I probably should have tried to fight the mob bosses. I was tough and could be deadly, if I wanted to be. Dying at their hands would have been better than the slow death I was living at the moment. I had put my trust in the wrong creatures, and I was paying for it now. I was about to be paraded around in front of the Queen and her Kingdom, and the Gods only knew what they would do to me for a little entertainment.

“Sweet, Flipp, don’t cry.”

I shot up out of bed at the sound of Azil’s voice. I turned to find both him and Xagon standing at the bars. Xagon’s face was red, he looked enraged at the sight of me. I practically fell off the cot and ran to the cell doors.

“Oh, my hell, is it really you guys? I’m not hallucinating, am I?”

“No, my dear, it’s us. I’m so sorry that you are in this cell.” I looked at Xagon hard in the face to see if he was lying. I couldn’t tell.

“Don’t you lie to me, Azil. Ever since I was dragged away from the Queen, I’ve felt like I was set up. Did you plan all this? That I would eventually end up here.”

Xagon flinched and Azil looked sheepish.

I felt the rage build-up in me once again. “You Serpent, sneaky bastards. I knew it.”

“Now, now. Originally, when we picked you up on Demon Isle, and made the plan to take you back here, we assumed the crew would eventually go to the guard and let them know there was a fugitive onboard. We assumed you would be locked up by the Queen. So, yes, my dear, we assumed you would end up here.”

“Why didn’t you help me, or why didn’t you try to stop it. You could have dropped me off somewhere else.”

“Well, at first, we didn’t care what happened to you. But, then we grew to like you, so this unfortunate part came as a great distress to us.”

I balked. “This unfortunate part? Azil, I’m in prison. They aren’t letting me out. They are going to take me to some event where I will be their entertainment. Whatever that means.”

“I’m sorry, Flipp. We are here because we have a plan.”

I perked up. “A plan? What plan?” My heart started fluttering, but I had to remind myself that I shouldn’t trust them. They had already gotten me into this mess, how could I trust them to get me out of it. What were my options? Rotting in a cell. I didn’t have a choice but to trust them.

“I promise you, Flipp. We are going to get you out of here.”

I looked at Xagon and met his gaze. He smiled softly at me, and it made me think about that saucy night between the two of us.

“How can I trust you again?”

His eyes flickered to Azil and back to me. “I’m sorry, we honestly didn’t expect to bond with a monster. We were just going to take your money, and have the Queen deal with you when we got here. I’m sorry, it sounds cold, but you didn’t like us either when you first boarded. Even after you met Jesye, we weren’t sure that we could trust you either.”

The mention of Jesye made me flinch. I wanted to ask them what happened to Jesye, but I was afraid of what the answer might be. I didn’t want to hear that he had already been dismembered and sold.

“So, what’s the plan? I need to be in on it so I know what to expect.”

Azil looked at Xagon and he nodded. Azil returned his gaze to me. “We’re going to find Drayven and set him loose on the Kingdom. That should cause enough ruckus that they beg you to leave.”

My heart fell. “How are you going to find him? How do you know he will even come? If he wanted to protect me, wouldn’t he be here by now, rescuing me?”

I had thought long and hard about Drayven while I sat in my cell. I thought he would have attacked the Kingdom a long time ago. He believed I was the Demon Queen, so why wasn’t he here? Maybe, it had finally occurred to him that I wasn’t who he thought I was.

“There is one thing that I’m certain of, that Denon would follow you to the ends of the earth. He’s out there, biding his time. We will find him and bring him to the Kingdom.”

“And then what? How do you know the Queen won’t just have me killed?”

“Because if we get him to attack the city, the Queen will have no other choice but to release you.” Azil paused for effect. “You will be the only one in the Kingdom that can face another Denon. In the end, you will save her and she will let you free. It’s perfect really, there is no better plan.”

“And if you don’t find him?”