He chuckled. “If you had any worthwhile powers, you wouldn’t still be in here.”

He wasn’t wrong there. “Ugh.”

“The Queen is not stupid, and I’m not going to hang because I let her toy get away.”

“I want to see my friends.”

“Your friends? What makes you think that these Sirens are your friends? It seems like they just left you high and dry.”

“I know they are still here. I want to see them. Don’t I get any last requests before I face death, or become a lifetime prisoner?”

He shrugged. “I'll see what I can do. But don’t hold your breath. You’re no fish, after all.” He chuckled as he turned and walked away from me. I watched him until he turned down another corridor. He seemed nicer than the other guards, but that didn’t mean he was going to help me. I had to keep reminding myself that I was on my own, just as I always have been.