
The floor was hard and cold, I felt like my butt cheeks were getting numb. It was impossible to get comfortable, unless you were on the cot with the raggedy blanket, and even that really wasn’t much more comfortable. The prison was entirely made of stone, except for the cell door which was metal. There was a window that was completely open to the outdoors, but it had bars on it. I got up off the floor and went to the window, starring out. I could see the sails from Azil’s ship, so I knew he was still there. I wondered what they were doing. Did they just get on with their lives, or were they trying to get me freed? I felt completely abandoned by everyone that I got close to on the ship. Even Mr. “I like you” Xagon, threw me to the wolves. I couldn’t trust any of them, and I really thought that I had made a connection with them.

“Brimstone,” I cursed. What ever happened to Drayven, I really could have used that burly Denon to get me out of that mess. I couldn’t figure out how he managed to slip away. He wasn’t exactly small.

I looked at the thickness of the bars, and felt them with my fingertips. Surely, I could just melt them. It might take a little time, but it should be doable. I went up on my tippy toes to see what was on the other side of the window. There was a ledge and a small wraparound bridge. If I could get to the bridge, the drop to the ground wouldn’t be that terrible. I had to at least try. Anything was better than sitting here, rotting away in a cell. I had no intention of living the rest of my life as a prisoner. I would rather die.

I backed up a few steps, held out my hands and focused. I thought of the most blazing fire I could create and I sent it forth towards the bars. I didn’t care if it was hot enough to blow up the whole wall, I was getting out of there.

Fire came from my fingers, but it was trickling, and when it hit the bars, it didn’t do much more than turn them red. I focused on just melting them, but the fire never seemed to get quite hot enough. I touched my fingertips.

“What is going on?”

I stopped and looked around the room. Was it possible that the room was too damp? It was a desolate place that I could only imagine people came to die in, but why would it impact my power so much? I didn’t think there was anything that could change my power, or make it weaker. The thought was very disconcerting. I turned back to the bars and tried again. I forced all my energy throughout my body and fired it out of my fingers. Again, the power was not there, and the fire practically dripped from my fingers.


I went to the bars and touched them. They were hot to the touch, but not hot enough to have a chance of melting. “Ugh!” I screamed as loud as I could. The sound echoed through the cell. It felt good to scream, to vent out some of my frustrations.

“Why isn’t this working,” I moaned.

I sat down on the cot. It had a sort of moldy smell to it. Surely, Azil would not leave me there.

I was looking down at my fingers, thinking of my power and how it was failing me, just like the Sirens. I was weaker in the cell than anywhere else. Or maybe it was the Palace in general that was causing my weakness. It was epically bad timing.

I could have blasted my way out of here if I had full range of my powers. I put my head in my hands and willed myself not to cry. It wasn’t going to help. I just couldn’t believe that I had got this far, only to end up in a cell to be used as the Queen's entertainment.

Then it occurred to me, I had an idea. I got up from the cot and completely stripped down so that I was naked. My luscious hair was long enough, and thick enough, to hide my goodies. I pulled all my hair forward, so it cascaded down the front of me. I made my way to the cell door and looked down the corridor. I knew that there were guards at the end, making sure I didn’t go anywhere.

“Hello? Guards? Is anyone there?”

It took a minute or two, but then I saw a couple of guards come down the corridor towards my cell. When they saw me, their eyes widened and their mouths dropped open. One guard was short and pudgy, clearly didn’t do much activity wise, and the other was built like a truck, lean muscle all over his body.

“Well, what do we have here? Demon pussy?” the pudgy guard drawled.

I tried to give him my best alluring eyes. “I wouldn’t mind some attention, if one of you men are interested.” A small smile formed, and I licked my lips.

A glazed look came over the guard’s face. He looked to the truck-like guard and said, “Hey, I’ve never fucked a Demon before, have you? I would be really into it,” he said as he looked me over. “I’d like nothing more than to get my knot in you. Fine piece of ass.”

I hid my revulsion well.

“What do you say we both come in and take you for a ride?

A jolt of panic went through me as I didn’t anticipate that reaction, and I wasn’t sure I could take them both on at the same time. The ending for me would not be good. The idea of both of them taking a turn writhing on top of me was enough to upchuck the crappy breakfast they gave me.

Thankfully, the other guard shook his head. “I think that’s a bad idea, Kalin. I’ve heard some rumors about her.”

Kalin looked at him. “What are you talking about?”

“She likes to curse people.”

Irritated, I put a hand on my hip and waited to see what he had to say.

“The truck-like guard kept shaking his head. “Demon pussy is bad luck. She would probably curse you while you were inside her. Make your dick fall off.”

My mouth hit the ground. “Excuse me?” I was genuinely offended.

He came closer to the bars. “I heard about you, Demon.”