“But it’s not me.”

“It could be.”

My mouth dropped open. “Are you serious? You are actually taking Drayven seriously? I think I would know.”

“I’m not sure that’s how it works. Can you actually say that it’s impossible? She died before you were born. She could have easily been reborn into you.”

“I guess I can’t say that it’s impossible.”

I couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of my mouth, but crazier things had happened in my life.

I knew of the Queen, in the sense that, she left a trial of chaos and despair wherever her army went. It had been a shock when she was murdered because many people believed her to be immortal, since she was so hard to kill. Many thought she couldn’t be killed. She had once kidnapped a Fae Princess from one of the biggest Kingdoms in their world, and that was no easy feat. That had started one of the largest Demon wars in history, and she still won it in the end. She was believed to be unbeatable. That could be why she vowed to return. With a rage like that, maybe it was possible for her to return. But inside me? I just couldn’t wrap my head around it.

Her beauty was terrifying to behold. She was so beautiful that it put people in danger. She could seduce you with her looks while she was plunging a dagger into your heart. When she came out of the underworld, everyone knew that there would be trouble. She rarely left her throne, unless she had a good reason. She had similar powers to that of the Witches, in the sense that she could damage crops and send monstrous diseases to communities. She was a big fan of sacrificing creatures in the name of peace and prosperity. She was a force, and anyone that went up against her usually regretted it.

I listened as Jesye continued with the history of the Queen, and all I could think of was; why would the Queen choose me to be reborn into? I was not Queen-like in any way.

“I’m sorry, I’m having a hard time considering this. Thank you again, Drayven, and for saving me today. But you have the wrong person. I am not your Lilith.”

He tried to stand up in his cage but he had limited room. “Lilith, don’t go. Let me go. You should not be wandering out there amongst Sirens unprotected. You can’t trust them.”

I turned from him without saying another word. I couldn’t convince him that I was not Lilith, and I would be tossed over the side if I just let him out without Xagon’s permission. It was not my ship, and I worried he might kill one of the Siren’s in my honor.

I laid in my hammock that night and thought about my grandfather who was a monster. He was my only tie to the monster world, and it didn’t make any sense that anyone would think Lilith would choose me as the host in her rebirth. My eyes grew heavy and the last thing I thought about was Drayven’s large shadow falling on me, just at the moment that I needed someone.