
Iexpected Xagon to follow me to the cargo hold, but he didn’t. He always barked his orders at me, but he never really followed through. I stopped by the kitchen to grab some food and water for Jesye, knowing that no one had bothered to give him any since my last visit.

When I opened the door, I saw they had put the Denon in a separate cage, right beside Jesye.

It’s eyes glowed as I entered the room, and it watched me intently. What could I possibly say? The Denon thought that I was someone that I wasn’t. How could I convince him otherwise?

“Hello,” I whispered.

Jesye looked up. He had been speaking with our new guest. He turned to me and smiled. “Another eventful day.”

“Yes.” I looked over at the Denon. “Thank you for saving my life today.”

“Queen, I worship you. I would do anything to keep you safe.”

I blushed as I glanced at Jesye. I sat down beside his cage, and slipped him some stew and bread. I also slipped in the canteen and looked over at the Denon. Jesye ripped the loaf in half and passed it through the other cage. The Denon didn’t touch the food, he just stared at me. “I don’t want your food. I want you to set me free this instance. I need to be able to protect you and I can’t do that while I’m in here.”

“What’s his name?” I said looking at Jesye.

Jesye smiled. “You know you could just ask him yourself.”

I narrowed my eyes and he said, “Drayven.”

“Drayven, why do you think I’m Lilith?”

“You are Lilith.”

“I’m not.” I looked at Jesye. “What’s going on?”

“You must let me out, Lilith. You are not safe and you need to be protected. I’ve already proven that I can protect you by disposing of that Siren who was trying to take you away.” He was rambling and I didn’t know how to handle it.

I gulped. Brimstone. Maybe he was crazy. I was not Lilith. Why was he so convinced? I looked at Jesye with desperation in my eyes.

“Has she been reborn in you?”

I blinked. “No. There’s no way. I feel like I would know if that was the case. This is silly. I’m not the Queen reborn.”

I looked at Jesye through the cage. “Help me understand what’s happening right now.”

“You don’t know about the Queen?”

“Sure, I mean we’ve all heard the legends, but I’m pretty young, and all I remember hearing is stories of her eating hearts. She was very powerful and strong. She ruled with an iron fist, but was adored by her people. I don’t know much else nor do I understand how this ties to me.”

Jesye nodded. “She had fire red hair and horns, just like yours. They curled around in the back a little more, but essentially, just like yours. She emanated power and was feared by many.”

I waited, glancing quickly to Drayven and then back again.

“She was the Queen of the Underworld, and the ruler of all the monsters. You are one, aren’t you? You should know your Queen.”

“Barely. I’m not a full breed, I’m barely a monster at all. Maybe 20%, maybe. I have monster traits but I’m mostly a human. Not too many people know that, otherwise I probably would have been auctioned off with the humans a long time ago. But I’ve been accepted by the monster society because of my grandfather, who was a full breed.”

Jesye looked me over, as if trying to see what parts of me were monster and what wasn’t.

“You know that she was murdered.”

I nodded.

“Well, at the time of her death, just before she was taken from the underworld, she vowed that she would come back and reclaim her throne. She wanted nothing more than to avenge her death, and destroy the person who murdered her.”