It was also the reason work was hard for him to find. Silver hair and purple eyes would technically mark us as among the Fae, and the Fae weren’t exactly welcome in Sypani.

The Fae had been trained from birth to fight, not bag groceries at the supermarket. Fae were hated for their ruthlessness, not that anyone saw more than the Fae mercenaries that wandered around taking the odd ‘murder-for-hire’ jobs and extorting money from desperate Omegas trying to get to a sanctuary safely. Those are the only Fae who came into our world, and the only reason they were here was that they had been banished from Xerai when they revealed not as an Alpha or an Omega, but as a Beta. Betas were useless to the Fae, so they sterilized them and sent them into Sypani.

The whole sterilization part was why there was no way Jett and I could be the child of a Fae mercenary. At least that’s what our mother continually insisted up until the day she died, two days after our twelfth birthday. Twelve years ago today, actually. From this point on we will have spent more of our lives without her than with her, which is probably why Jett choosing today to sell himself to the Synians was hitting so hard.

But, we made it as long as we could.

Jett had been selling himself on street corners since the day he turned eighteen, only days after our own reveal. Jett was an Alpha, there was no question of that with his broad shoulders and barrel chest covered in perfectly defined muscle that he didn’t have to work to get. It’s probably why he had had so much work in the beginning. So many Alphas like the idea of dominating another one, the brutality of it. But the broader he got, the less those Johns pulled up to his corner.

Which brought us back to this damn door.

“At least let me come with you,” I said for the hundredth time, and got the same response I had every other time.

“No.” Jett sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose before he fixed his bright purple eyes on me in a warning scowl. That might work on someone else, but I knew him too well.

I just rolled my eyes and sat back on the stained and ripped fabric of my bucket seat.

“Yeah, yeah, I know, ‘I must protect my virtue’.” I waved my hands in the air dramatically as I mocked him.

“We need to find you a good mate, and protecting that is the only way.” Poor guy was serious. I almost laughed at that. He sounded like a man from those books they used to make us read in school. Books like Pride and Prejudice and Emma, good wholesome stories from before the Synians took over.

It was ancient history, just like the idea of protecting my virtue. Which is why I had a whole drawer of non-virtue protecting magic wands at home.

“You do realize this entire world runs on the dollar of the dick and the coin of the pussy, right?” Even now he was going to sell his dick to the Synians in exchange for money, and my safety.

“Exactly. So, it’s your greatest weapon. Use it wisely.”

“You say that like my pussy has teeth. I’m an Omega, Jett. My pussy ain’t got nothing more than a bad attitude and a funky smell.” I was still grumbling, but Jett just laughed.

“It has teeth, Jaide. You have no idea. Besides, you are clueless about what the Synians will do to you. Sell you the Fae most likely and then you’ll end up fucked to death, your corpse rotting underneath a bridge.”

I gave him a look, but he was serious now. His hand moved back around mine, that energy buzzing between us, and I could have sworn I felt his heartbeat speed up. Mine moved to match, every muscle tensing.

“You don’t have to do this,” I said pointlessly. He didn’t even respond that time. He just ran his thumb over the back of my hand and exhaled, both of us staring at the door again.

“If you aren’t back in six months I am coming in there after you,” I said after a minute, gripping his hand so tight he winced.

“You are gonna come in after me? You? You forget you are an Omega, Jaide? You’re the girl who tripped her way out of our apartment this morning.” I didn’t miss the laugh in his voice. “You are going to storm into a massive apartment tower filled with Synians who are all strong and powerful after feasting on human blood and just save me?”

“Yep.” I nodded enthusiastically. He always underestimated me. “I’ll bring a wooden stake.”

I was serious, and I think for the first time he understood that.

“Okay, Jaide,” he whispered, squeezing my hand and pulling my focus back to him. “If I’m not back in six months, come after me. But I will be back.”

He said that, but his eyes were brimming with tears. His hand had gone cold in mine. A lump had grown so big in my throat that I couldn’t even speak. I just nodded, trying to stop my own tears from falling as Jett kissed my forehead.

“Be good. Be safe. I love you.”

And then he was gone.

The car door opened with a whoosh of cold air as he exited, the metal hinges creaking closed as he left. I was frozen against the ripped seat as he walked away, his tall, broad frame dark and ominous against the gently falling snow.

I couldn’t stop the tears now. I sobbed loudly as his worn leather boots slapped against the marble stairs and The Covenless perked up with the hope of being invited in.

The buzzer was a rattling sound in my head as the red door swung open and the snow covered square was smothered in light. I could barely see him through the snow plastered on the windshield. I couldn’t make out much more than a white tiled room and a video screen clearly featuring a woman being fucked by a Synian.

My stomach tightened and I looked away. My docile nature was already rising up at that, the flush I usually felt while in heat taking over. Now was not the time for my submissive Omega to take control.

I wanted to see my brother. I wanted to see him one last time.

I tried to clear the snow away, but I was too slow. By the time the windshield wipers kicked on the door had closed, and I was left in a cold car staring at the red door that had swallowed my brother whole.

I didn’t even know if he looked back.

I never would.