“Wonderful.” She grinned at me again. I smiled back, both of us smiling as some poor soul screamed about how hard they were coming. “Full virgin, half virgin, or experienced?”

“Half virgin? How can someone be a half virgin, do they just shove half a dick up their hoo-ha?”

“Full virgin,” she said, giving me the most sarcastic smile I had ever seen as she picked the pink papers out of her stack. “Here we are. This one is all your personal information.” She set a page down. “This one is our terms and conditions.” Another paper. “This one is exclusions. If you’re going to be a Maiden--”

“A Maiden?” I cut her off. If she thought I was gonna milk cows she had another thing coming.

“Yes, it’s what we call those who come to us.” She gave me another simpering smile. “I suggest you read them all carefully.”

She spoke slowly, like I didn’t know how to read, and slid the papers, a clipboard, and a pen across the counter to me.

“Please list in detail any sex act that you wish to not engage in, or alternatively, please list any sex act that you have an interest in but would like to be trained in before attempting.” I read aloud as I grabbed the clipboard from her.

Yes, Jett had royally failed me.

I flicked to the next page.

“By signing you are giving full consent to any and all things that occur within The Blood Auction (LLC) with the exception of all acts listed on schedule C. You acknowledge that your presence here is to benefit the Synians and that all else is forfeited. Signed, the Four Synian Kings, Aldric… yadda yadda.” I sighed, I was pretty sure I understood none of that.

“Read them carefully,” the sexy nurse said again, even slower that time. Gaw. She must think I was stupid. I probably was. I mean I was an Omega who had come in here planning to kill, or lethally gash, some Synians. There was clearly no way I was getting out of here alive.

Which was why I signed the first two consent forms quickly, not even bothering to read them. I clearly didn’t understand them, and was only signing them so I could get back there and start the Synian killing.

The third one, I figured I should fill out. I wanted them to know who killed them. Or tried to kill them.

Nope. I was going to kill them. We were going for positivity here.

“Cry for daddy.” A smooth voice moved over my skin like ice as it echoed from the monitor right above my head. I began to fill out my personal information, not that there was much there.

Name: Jaide Robbins

Age: 24

Sex: Female

Mothers Name: Jewel Robbins

Fathers Name: Unknown

Health Issues: Healthy as a fully living human who is not dying.

Status: I placed an ‘X’ in the general area of Omega. I didn’t want to fully give myself away after all, and thankfully the descenter was still working. Or I hoped it was.

That oughta do it.

I signed it with a flourish as the man's voice slithered down to me again, his low tones followed immediately by the sobs of a woman. I couldn’t tell if she was enjoying herself or was horrified. Not that it mattered. He was clearly an Alpha and every nerve ending in my body was rising to the powerful tenor. My Omega tendencies wanted him, even if every word of his that oozed from the screen was laced in a terrifying venom.

The nurse was still smiling at me as I put the clipboard back on the counter, her plastered on grin not so much as flinching as she flipped through the pages.

“Good. Good. Finger in here please.” She set down the clipboard and placed the black box I had seen earlier on the counter with a smack that might as well have been an anvil against my heart.

It wasn’t very big, only about the size of a ring box, and had a tube coming out one side. On the opposite side there was an opening just big enough for me to place one of my fingers.

Nothing about it was scary, or it shouldn’t have been. But I knew what it was.

I glanced toward the door, getting a glimpse of the screen with the icy-voiced Synian using his dagger to cut a line down the woman’s arm, leaving a trickle of blood behind which he lapped up like melted ice cream.

Oh god. I didn’t know if I should be turned on or horrified. Probably horrified seeing as the more I thought through this plan the more I realized just how ridiculous I was being.