"As much as I'd like to listen to the ramblings of a lunatic with blue balls, I've got a coup to knock down," I mumbled as I cracked my knuckles, my skin glowing fainter as I stepped into the burning ribbons of light. I locked my wince inside, facing Aldric as I stepped up to him, remembering what Elliot had said about touching people.

I had no idea if this was going to work, but I was on fire, and filled with the hope of Aldric's head exploding like a watermelon. I had to try. Teach this bastard of a Synian to double cross us.

I rushed him, moving at full speed with my hand outstretched, ready to smash my palm into his nose and watch the magic happen.

Instead, I was met by a ball of heat in my gut.

Aldric pressed his hand forward, the glowing orb that had been hovering there releasing into me with an explosion that was like the crack of a whip. The crack of my body as I was thrown back, out the open wall and into the open air. Into the burning beams of sunlight.

"No!" Someone yelled far above, but I couldn't make out who before there was another blast, another body, and two somethings flew out of the open side of the building above me. A body and a dildo.

Elliot’s dick landed with a thud on one side of me, the body on the other. I turned, half expecting to see Dawn as she had been the one holding the dick like it was a gun. It was Garret.

"You okay there?" I asked, my voice strained through the pressure in my chest. I felt like I had been run over by an elephant. Or, you know, thrown out a window.

"We can't take them," Elliot gasped as he tried to push himself up before collapsing again. "We can't fight that."

"Naw, I think we got this," I moaned as I tried to roll over, every inch of my body aching. Yeah, he was probably right, not that I would ever tell him that.

If I died, however, I was going to do it standing.

The second I placed my hand against the ground, however, that dull glow exploded, the brilliant light from my hand rushing out, spider webbing over the ancient tile of the courtyard and up one of the ancient statues. Which promptly exploded.

"Damn it. I could have watermelonned his head." I still could, if I could get my ass up and not fall apart in the process. I only made it about half way before bodies began to pour from the gap in the building, Synians soaring down to the courtyard, fangs extended, claws protruding from finger tips. Aldric landed right between us, blood dripping over his chin. Dawn.

Great. he had just fed, had magic, was a certified mad man and was all hopped up on his own ego.

"I take it back," I moaned, rolling back onto my back as Aldric lifted his hands, pointing one at each of us. "We are so screwed."

"You will never touch my Omega again!” Aldric screamed, those grey veins on his face bulging. “And when you crawl out of hell again, I will make sure I am waiting for you."

I couldn't even question the crazy that he was spurting now. I just stared at him, the orbs of light that grew into the size of pumpkins and then vanished.

"What?" He roared, noticing their disappearance the same time we did. He went from super villain with boob bombs to a whiney Synian King who was out of his mind.

"I guess it had a time limit," I mused, and placed my hand against the ground, waiting for Aldric’s head to pop like a watermelon.

Instead, I began to scream, my entire body felt as though it had been wrapped in barbed wire. Something hot ripped through me, cutting my apart and reorganizing me in ways that I shouldn't be reorganized. I was burning to death. It was the only explanation. We were supposed to have hours in the sun before our body succumbed, but in minutes I was being broiled from the inside out.

And then there was nothing but the dark grey stone.

"I have died and gone to hell, and hell is a grey cave. Seems fitting." Even talking moaned, all of the head from my very dramatic death was ripping through me. "It must be hell. I still hurt."

"You're not dead, and don't be dramatic." Jaide's face hovered above me, a wide smile on her face. "I swear. You guys are babies."

I was sure I should say something smug, that I should remind her that I was a king and she shouldn't speak to me that way and all the asinine things that Aldric had demeaned important. But they weren't important anymore. She was.

As I crushed her body against mine, felt her warm envelope me and soothe every bit of my aching body I knew what Aldric would fight for her.

And I knew why I needed to keep her safe.

“Where are we?” Garret asked, his arm trying to pull her away from me.

“I brought you to my home,” Elliot said, heaving as he leaned against a side of the cave. He was clearly winded, his eyes pale.

God. I should hate him. I knew I needed to, but right then I couldn’t.

Damn girl was making me a softy, I was going to blame the incredible aroma of her hair.