
“Fuck me, daddy!”

“Take my cunt, master.”

“Bite me! Fill me! Harder.”

The room felt like an overly sterile doctor's office.

White tile was everywhere, covering the walls and floor in perfect lines that made the chairs that lined the walls necessary to differentiate the two. If I wasn’t looking I might have missed the small room built into the corner, large windows opening to what looked like a nurses' station.

I had walked into a doctor's office, if it was in the middle of a porn set.

I had seen a TV screen when Jett had come in here, but now that I was inside I could see all five screens, each one screwed into the walls and pointed toward the chairs as they displayed what was clearly CCTV from the towers of rooms overhead.

Each screen had a different pair of people, all in different positions. I scanned them all quickly, looking for silver hair and purple eyes like my own. Instead I froze in place, my heart rate picking up as I stared at what was clearly a human female. She was tied to what looked like a medieval rack, her body stretched out and exposed. Her flesh was covered with bite marks, some of them still seeping tiny drops of bright blood.




Her moans barely rose over the screams from the other TVs as a completely nude man approached her, a nipple clamp in his hand. She moaned and screamed in pleasure and pain as he attached the rubber tipped clamp not to her bare nipple, but to her clit.

“It’s okay, kitten,” he whispered, his hand darting between her legs as he spread her. She shuddered, and even though I couldn’t see it, with how she was moaning I was sure he had sunk those long, cold fingers inside of her.

My body had grown warm, I was sure the cold rain that had soaked my shoulders and my hair had turned to steam from the heat I was giving off. I had clearly turned into a teapot.

A horny teapot.

Damp desire was pooling between my thighs, slick flooding from me as I watched, unable to look away.

Jett had done a good job of keeping me a virgin, but he hadn’t kept me ignorant. I knew all I needed to know about sex… or I thought I did. It wasn’t so ‘insert tab into hole’ as I had thought. I had never seen anything like this before, and now… and now…

It didn’t matter how much descenter I had sprayed on myself, this room alone would give me away.

I clamped my thighs together.

All of that wet was turning me into my own personal ocean as I watched another Synian approach the tied up girl, an erection larger than I had ever seen pointed right at her. Sliding into her.

“Can I help you?”

“Motherfucking Synian dick!” Never scare me. I always scream the first thing that’s on my mind, which in that moment just so happened to be Synian dick. Awesome.

Thankfully the woman behind the counter just smiled at me, her green eyes and perfectly straight teeth matching the supermodel look she had going on. If she wasn’t wearing what was essentially a ‘sexy nurse’ outfit I wouldn’t think she was a nurse at all. I still wasn’t convinced. They knew what game they were playing with all these video screens.

“Can I help you?” she repeated, sliding into her seat as she arranged papers and what looked like a small ring box on her desk.

“I’m here to ummm... “ find my brother, “I would like to… well…” murder you all. “Are these all live videos?”

I was clearly still thinking about the Synian dick, and had probably completely soaked my panties by now. Thank god I was wearing overalls or I was sure my slick would be more noticeable. This wasn’t going at all how I had planned. I turned back to the screen and the bound woman who was now screaming in ecstasy as the two Synians flanked her. Fucking her.

My asshole clenched.

“They are,” she said, pulling my focus back to her. “Are you here to register?”

“I uhhh… yes, I am.” I adjusted my boobs as I lied, checking to make sure the stake was still secured between them.