"Yeah, I got that. But how exactly do you expect us to get past a Synian who just made a wave of blood and apparently has Fae magic?" Fae magic I could really use right about now. I would probably launch myself into the ceiling instead of taking down a Synian king, but even that might be more helpful than what I was currently doing: shrieking at slowly moving blood.

"Easy," Parris was grinning far too wide for someone that was being hunted by a magic, hunger crazed blood sucker. "We fight fire with fire."

He lifted his hand, the tips of his fingers glowing in a light brighter than Garret's. Both of them stood there with Fae magic pouring from them. I had spent so much time refusing to believe that I was half Fae but seeing the two of them there, I couldn't really deny it anymore.

"You are going to take him on, when he has an army of Synians, and she is still in heat?" Elliot turned to me, the smug bastard actually looked concerned. I grit my teeth, wanting so bad to go all bad ass on him. But he was right. I was still drenched in slick, still horny as fuck and ready to jump the first dick that looked at me. Even laying against Parris while those two fought was a challenge. I wanted to ride them to O-town, not take on a Synian.

A Synian who wanted to fuck me to death mind you.

Okay, maybe I was on board with that. Sans the death of course.

Yeah, I needed to get this under control. I wasn't one hundred percent sure that was possible, but I had to try. What I wouldn't give for a bottle of descenter right about now.

"Seeing as I would like to not be fucked into oblivion…” Well, I would seeing as I was still in heat, but I wasn’t wanting to split fangs at the moment. “I am all for this fire with fire thing," I said, lifting a finger. "I'm happy to help, if you have a stake handy. I've already killed--"

"No!" All three of them turned to me, their faces a rainbow of fury and worry.

Damn. You would think they actually cared about me.

"Okay, fine, I'll just be a wilting flower back here shall I?" If we hadn't been seconds away from facing down a wall of horny Synians they might have thought that to be funny. Or punched me for my smart mouth. If that punishment included something in my mouth while they... Again. Focus.

"You both have different skills," Elliot said, ignoring the fact that I was all ready to go wildly swing a stake at a Synian or two. Elliot took a step toward Garret before he took a quick step back, as if he would turn those sparks on him. With the scowl Garret threw at him he might.

My heart clenched. I was made to soothe him, to calm him. And I wanted to. Parris had kept me against him through all of their fight, but seeing him now it was hard not to just rush to them. To hold them, to find a way to make everything better.

"Garret, that magic in an attack will move into others like lightning. Just point and shoot," Elliot demonstrated what he meant, the quick movement essentially turning his arm into a bow and arrow, you know without the whole detachment thing. "Parris, that magic will only move through objects. You will need to touch someone or something that you are connected to. It's hard to control, so I would suggest moving it into people since you have never used it before."

"And what about Aldric?" I asked as the wall rocked with another explosion, plaster raining over us as the bureau that was leaned against the wall fell over. "What does he have?"

"There is a magic that explodes like bombs," Elliot began, turning toward the wall as another boom broke the air, Dawn flinching as she moved closer to me. "It was what Jett used."

"The orbs," Parris spoke from behind me, his voice shaking.

Fuck. The Synians voice was shaking. Yep. We were screwed.

"So... what do I do?" I asked after a second, knowing that the wall was moments from collapsing. "If you all are fighting. I need to be able to fight back."

"We will keep you safe." Garret actually thought that was a good answer.

"Oh bull shit!" I rounded on him, hands on my hips. "Like hell if I am just going flit my way after you. I'm in heat, I'm rampaging, I need a sandwich, I'm cranky, I'm ready to do some murdering. Give me the damn stake."

I held out my hand as if that settled it. They all blinked at me.

"We destroyed it," Parris said, clearly thinking that that alone would win him a victory here.

"You destroyed it?" I was fully intent on calling him out on his bullshit, but he just laughed and nodded, the sound of his chuckle creepy over the screams that were echoing through the hallways again.

"Did you really expect us to keep a weapon like that around? Or even leave it here, in your room where we can find it.” Parris looked at me like I had lost it. I probably had. “We destroyed all the cedar we could find. or we thought we did."

"Okay, so I have no weapon." You would think that after the last attack they would have at least stocked one weapon.

"We will protect you." Garret was really stuck on this protecting me shit and it was pissing me off.

"No. You won't. I mean you will, but I'm going to help." I was firm. If they didn't have a weapon for me, I at least knew where I was going to get one.

I scowled at them one last time for good measure before I turned, strutting my way into the bathroom. A second later I reemerged, the cast of Elliot's giant knotted cock in my hands.

"Death by cock seems good enough." I tried to flip it like Elliot had that one time, and instead ended up fumbling it, sending the multicolored rubber soaring through the air to land with a thud between us, the wide head in the air. "Don't worry, I'll do better."

I took one step toward the cock, toward the Synians and Dawn who was still staring at the wall in horror.

I didn't get half way there when the wall exploded.

Plaster went everywhere, wood and fragments of stone and tile drowning the air with dust so thick it was a cloud of grey.

I couldn't see anything. Parris, Garret, Elliot, Dawn... they were all gone. But so was the dildo that I had been fully planning to use as a weapon. It was just me standing alone in a cloud. Fumbling through nothing until I found something hard, wide, wet, and cold.

Something living. Something that was covered in blood.

"Hello, Pet."