But it didn’t matter, not anymore.

"I don't care!" I roared, my scream shaking the window and cracking against the wood floor with a snap. It sounded as though it had broken the wood planks in two.

Because it had.

I hadn’t even moved, but the floor beneath me was shattered in lines like lightning, splinters scattered over the surface around it. Splinters that extended right from where the drops of grey were dripping from my fingers.

Bright sparking drops of grey, like I was bleeding light. Except it wasn’t that. We knew exactly what it was, because we had seen it only months before when Theon had dragged Jett back to us.

"Fae magic." Parris whispered, pulling my attention as he stared from me to Jaide and then to his own hands as he waited for his own lights to appear. "We drank from you while you were in heat..."

"This is bad," Elliot whispered, but Jaide was the only one who turned, I was still busy staring at my hands like I had never seen them before.

"Why is it bad? I mean, it's creepy as fuck, but cool? Am I supposed to do that? Because that would be really bad for me. I’d probably light my own ass on fire." Jaide rambled as she jumped off the foot of the bed, leaning over to touch the magic that still dripped from my fingertips before Elliot pulled her back.

"You cannot use your magic because it has not been awakened by Healynas. But your magic is still in your blood and it's your blood when you are in heat that passes on power." Elliot answered, but I just blinked at him.

"And what? Aldric also drank from me? Or Jett doesn't have heats? Or now that they have power they can take down Healynas?" Jaide asked in rapid fire, pulling my focus from my hands. Each of those questions only grew worse.

"Yes." Just like Elliot's answer did.

He was right.

This was bad.

It only got worse as someone began to pound on the door.

"Let me in!" A low feminine voice barreled through the wood. “Hurry!”

“Dawn?” Jaide asked, but Elliot was already moving, his body vibrating before he vanished in a rush of wind, moving through the cracks.

A second later the door opened and a blonde maiden I had seen a few times before was shoved in. Well, at least I think she was blonde, the girl was absolutely covered in blood, and by the looks of it not all of it was her own.

“Dawn! What--?” Jaide ran to her just as Elliot reappeared. Parris was already moving, scenting the air as he picked up what I had already noticed.

Not all of the blood that covered her was hers, and most of it wasn’t human. It belonged to a Synian.

“Aldric is coming,” the blood drenched maiden gasped out. But I didn’t need to hear it, I already knew.