"I don't know why we didn’t Aldric might have if we hadn’t found you," Garret said, still fingering the healing bites on my skin. "You taste different from when I first drank from you. This time your blood was... sparky?"

"Sparky?" Parris and I asked together, although I seemed more confused by the word choice than Parris did.

"Yes, like it was made of heat, not just that she was in it. It made me feel..." Parris's voice caught, his golden eyes darkening as he sunk against the bed and looked away. "It made me feel like I did when I was human."

"Do you even remember that?" Garret asked, although his voice was choked that time. "It's been hundreds of years since I was created."

"More for me."

“Five years hardly counts.”

The two of them sounded like old men rocking on their front porch, musing over some time gone by. Which, I guess, was exactly what they were. Elliot, however, stood there smiling like he knew exactly what was going on.

Which he probably did, the bastard.

"Is this what my blood does to them?" I asked, sitting upright, their chilled fingers still tracing the bite marks on my skin, as though debating where they would bite next. I tried not to shiver at the thought. "Does it make them feel human? You said that different blood does things to the Synians."

"It does," Elliot nodded, the endless tracing slowing as the two Synians behind me realized what we were saying and bolted to attention. "But I don't think that is what your blood will do to them."

"My blood as an Omega or as a--?" I couldn't bring myself to finish that sentence. I knew I shouldn't be freaked out about it, seeing that I was still in the middle of a heat surrounded by my Synian mates, but I couldn't help it.

"Their connection to you, their scents, the way you make them feel, that is the blood of an Omega. But as a Fae..?" He smiled, knowing full well what he was doing. The two Synians were now sitting next to me, staring at the smug ass grin of Elliot.

"Spit it out," Parris snarled before turning on Garret. "Make your whore tell us, Garret."

"He's not my whore!" Garret roared with a feral sound that bounced off the wood walls.

"Yes. So you've said." Parris was smug, but now even Elliot was snarling. Great, we weren't going to get a straight answer out of him now.

"Okay, enough of the snarling and name calling," I looked between the Synians who were still snarling, but thankful backed down with one glare from me. Damn. I didn't know I had that power. "I don't know what Elliot and Garret are, but I don't care. It's clear they care for each other, and that's good enough for me. So, stop being a demon’s asshole, Parris."

"Hmph." Elliot made a sound that was near a grunt as he shifted his weight, his muscles flexing. "I think you might have moved up the line of how much I like you."

"Thank you?" I really had no idea how to take that, especially from Elliot.

"Your blood while you are in heat cements the bond of an Alpha and an Omega. You are now bonded to these Synians, but not just these..." Elliot let the statement linger as we all began to snarl. He didn't have to say any more than that. We all already knew.

Aldric had fed me, too.

"So, what about my blood as a... Fae?" I practically choked the word out. "What will that do to you?"

"We don't know." It was Garret who answered, and I turned, his long hair mussed as he stared at Elliot who gave him a nod. "We all expected something from when we first bit you, some shadow of Fae magic. It only took Theon one bite before he spirited your brother away. But we felt nothing."

"Were you expecting something? I thought it was Jett who conjured portals and exploded courtyards." I looked between them, their bright eyes widening. Okay, maybe they hadn't thought of that.

"Yes, but if you are Fae, we should feel something." Parris actually seemed disappointed. Well, if he hated that then he was going to hate this.

"If I am a Fae," I repeated. "So, what if I am not a Fae at all?"

"But your brother..."

"Is an Alpha." I finished for Parris, "I don't know how Fae magic works. But If I am an Omega." I turned to Elliot. I didn't know how to answer that statement, because I didn't know anything about Fae.

But he did.

And, as he stood there scowling at me, arms folded over each other, I could tell that he knew exactly what the answer was. He knew everything.

"If you are a Fae Omega," Elliot growled between his teeth, "Then your power should appear…” his voice faded away, his eyes growing wide as he stared from me to the locked door to the room and back again. “Unless you aren't just an Omega.”